米国の進化論教育を守るNational Center for Science Educationによれば、2008年6月の生徒の家族による訴訟および、創造論者な理科教師John Freshwaterの反訴が継続中:
[Doe v. Mount Vernon Board of Education et al.]これに加えて、雇用終了などについて創造論者な理科教師John Freshwaterが裁判を最近起こした:
June 12th, 2009 legal
(Full Title: Doe et al. v. Mount Vernon City School District Board Of Education et al.)
On June 13, 2008, the "Doe" (pseudonym) family filed suit against the Board of Education of the Mount Vernon City School District, Ohio; against the district's superintendent and the principal of Mount Vernon City School; and against John Freshwater, their son's eighth-grade science teacher at the aforementioned school.
2008年6月13日に、"Doe"一家(偽名)が、オハイオ州Mount Vernon City学区教育委員会および、学区教育長と校長と、一家の息子の第8学年を担当する当該学校の理科教師 John Freshwaterを訴えた。
In its complaint, the Doe family claimed that Freshwater had proselytized in class, displayed religious material (which was not for his personal use) in the classroom, attacked evolution and taught intelligent design, and branded students with a Tesla coil; James Doe had received a painful brand on his arm in the shape of a cross. The Does also claimed that Freshwater had led prayer sessions for a Christian student club, and had violated various other administrative policies. When the Does complained to the principal and district administration, the latter did not take action to correct Freshwater's behavior or to prevent retaliation against their son. The Does' suit charges the defendants with violating the Establishment Clause and their right to free speech.
訴えの中で、Doe一家は、 理科教師John Freshwaterが、個人用ではない宗教教材を授業で使い、進化論を攻撃し、インテリジェントデザインを教え、生徒たちにテスラコイルで刻印した、息子のJames Doeは腕に十字の焼印をつけられたと主張した。Doe一家はさらに、John Freshwaterがキリスト教生徒クラブで祈りをリードするなど、多くの管理方針違反を犯したと主張した。Doe一家が訴えを起こした時、学区教育長はJohn Freshwaterの行動を正したり、息子James Doeへの報復を防ぐなどのアクションをとらなかった。Doe一家の訴訟は被告が政教分離原則および言論の自由を侵すものだと告発している。
Shortly after the filing of this suit, the Board voted to terminate Freshwater's employment. Freshwater appealed, and an administrative hearing on the termination decision is currently underway. Freshwater filed a counterclaim in this suit against the Does on September 2, 2008, and filed his own lawsuit against the Does and the school district in June 2009. The Doe family has agreed to testify in the termination hearing under their true names, but they are still considered to be anonymous for the purposes of the federal suits.
訴訟が受理された直後に、学区教育委員会はJohn Freshwaterの雇用を終了する議決をした。John Freshwaterは訴えを起こし、雇用終了の決定についての聴聞会が進行中である。John Freshwaterは2008年9月2日にDoe一家を反訴し、さらに2009年6月にDoe一家と学区に対する裁判を起こした。Doe一家は、雇用終了の聴聞会で、実名で証言することに同意したが、連邦裁判のために匿名とみなされている。
[Freshwater v. Mount Vernon Board of Education et al.]なお、この事件に関して、インテリジェントデザイン運動からの反応はない。
June 11th, 2009 legal
(Full Title: Freshwater v. Mount Vernon City School District Board of Education et al.)
On June 9, 2009, John Freshwater filed suit against the Board of Education of the Mount Vernon City School District, Ohio, and against several individuals and organizations.
2009年6月9日に、John Freshwaterは、オハイオ州Mount Vernon City学区教育委員会と数名の個人および組織を告訴した。
Freshwater, an eighth-grade science teacher for the district, had been the subject of an investigation commissioned by the Board after student and teacher complaints. The Board determined that Freshwater had proselytized in class, had taught creationism and omitted required material on evolution, and had branded students using a Tesla coil. The parents of one child, who had been branded with a cross, filed suit against Freshwater and the district; that suit is ongoing. The Board voted to begin the process of terminating Freshwater's employment on June 20, 2008.
学区の8学年の理科教師John Freshwaterは、生徒及び教師の訴訟後、学区教育委員会の調査対象だった。学区教育委員会はJohn Freshwaterが授業で生徒たちに転向を迫り、創造論を教え、進化論に関する必修教材を省略し、生徒たちにテスラコイルを使って焼印をいれたと断定した。十字の焼印を入れられた子供の両親は、John Freshwaterと学区を告訴した。この裁判は進行中である。学区教育委員会は2008年6月20日にJohn Freshwaterの雇用を終了する手続きの開始を議決した。
Freshwater appealed the termination decision, and a hearing on the matter began that October; it is also ongoing.
John Freshwaterは雇用終了の決定に対して裁判を起こした。これについての聴聞会が2008年10月に始まり、現在も進行中である。
In his lawsuit, Freshwater names as defendants the Board, two individual Board members and four other district administrators, the investigative firm and its two employees, and up to eight unknown (even to him) "employees, agents or others associated" with the Board who may have "conducted or facilitated" actions against him. The suit contains sixteen counts including religious discrimination, defamation, conspiracy and breach of contract.
John Freshwaterの訴訟で、被告とされた学区教育委員会と2名の学区教育委員会と4名の学区管理者と調査会社とその従業員2名と、学区教育委員会の最大8名の従業員(John Freshwater自身を含む)と代理人その他は、John Freshwaterに対して不利な扱いをしたとされた。訴訟には、宗教差別や中傷や陰謀や雇用契約違反など16項目が含まれる。