嗅覚喪失という副作用が130例報告されて、ホメオパシーレメディZicamについて、米国食品医薬品局(FDA)は消費者への不使用勧告および販売元Matrixx Initiatives Incへの警告を出した。これに対して、Matrixx Initiatives Incはリコールに応じたものの、安全であるとの主張を繰り返した:
Upset with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Zicam maker Matrixx Initiatives Inc. has withdrawn two of its cold remedy nasal products even though company officials maintain the products are safe.
William Hemelt, acting president and chief operating officer of Matrixx, said the FDA action was taken without reviewing research he would have been more than willing to provide.
“We think the science does not support this allegation at all,” he said. “Quite honestly, we would not be selling the product if we thought it was unsafe.”
Angela Gonzales: "Zicam maker pulls products, but affirms safety" (2009/06/17) on Phoenix Business Journal]
ところで、アヤシイのはZicamシリーズだけではない。The Associated PressのJeff Donの記事によれば、ホメオパシーレメデxは、そもそも法的に効果および安全性を証明する必要がない:
Zicam and hundreds of other homeopathic remedies -- highly diluted drugs made from natural ingredients -- are legally sold as treatments with explicit claims of medical benefit. Yet they don't require federal checks for safety, effectiveness or even the right ingredients.純水(あるいは水道水)や砂糖玉のような効果もなければ、副作用もないと思われているので、政府の検査がなくてもよいような気になるが、実際はそうではない。
They're somewhat similar to dietary supplements, which use many of the same natural ingredients and also aren't federally tested for safety or benefit.
[JEFF DONN: "AP IMPACT: Zicam not alone in side effect reports" (2009/06/17) by The Associated Press hosted by Google]
In its review of homeopathy, the AP also found that:消費者たちがビールよりも強い酒なレメディをそれと知らずに使っているというのは問題になるだろう。少なくとも、直後に自動車を運転したら、酒気帯びという交通法規違反になるかもしれない。
The Associated Pressもホメオパシーのレビューから次のような例を見つけた:
Active homeopathic ingredients are typically diluted down to 1 part per million or less, but some are present in much higher concentrations. The active ingredient in Zicam is 2 parts per 100.
The FDA has set strict limits for alcohol in medicine, especially for small children, but they don't apply to homeopathic remedies. The American Academy of Pediatrics has said no medicine should carry more than 5 percent alcohol. The FDA has acknowledged that some homeopathic syrups far surpass 10 percent alcohol.
At least 20 ingredients used in conventional prescription drugs, like digitalis for heart trouble and morphine for pain, are also used in homeopathic remedies. Other homeopathic medicines are derived from cancerous or other diseased tissues. Many are formulated from powerful poisons like strychnine, arsenic or snake venom.
[JEFF DONN: "AP IMPACT: Zicam not alone in side effect reports" (2009/06/17) by The Associated Press hosted by Google]
- ホメオパシーレメディは「効果もないが副作用もない」という保証はない。 (2009/06/17)
- 嗅覚喪失という副作用のあるホメオパシーレメディに対してFDAが警告・消費者に使用停止と破棄を勧告 (2009/06/17)