

南アフリカのMedical Research CouncilがレイプとHIVについての調査結果を発表した。その衝撃的な結果をBBCなどの報道機関が一斉に報道した。


The study was conducted in three districts in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal Provinces – spanning geographical areas: rural, urban and city. It was a crosssectional with a two stage random sample. The sample was drawn by Statistics South Africa. Following a cluster design, 222 enumeration areas (ea) were selected and 20 households approached per ea for interview. One man aged 18-49 years interviewed per household. Interviews followed a questionnaire and were administered via APDAs (Audio-enhanced Personal Digital Assistants). A finger prick specimen of blood was requested for HIV testing and collected as a blood spot which was dried. Blood was tested for HIV in the laboratory of the National Institute for Communicable Diseases in Johannesburg, using ELISA. Ethics approval was given by the Medical Research Council’s ethics committee. We completed interviews in 215 of 220 eligible eas (97.7%) and we completed interviews in 1,738 of 2,298 (75.6% ) of the enumerated and eligible households.

調査はEastern CapeとKwaZulu Natal Provincesの3つの地域、田舎と郊外と都市部で実施された。2段階の無作為サンプルによる断面調査である。サンプルはStatistics South Africaによるもの。クラスタデザインのあと、222のエリアを選択し、各エリアごとに20世帯にインタビューを行った。世帯ごとに1名の18〜49歳の男性にインタビューした。インタビューはアンケートにしたがって、携帯デジタル機器によって実施された。指先の血液サンプルはHIV検査のために求められ、乾燥血点として収集された。血液はJohannesburgの国立感染症研究所でELISAを使ってHIV検査された。調査の倫理は、医療審議会の倫理委員会によって承認された。我々は229のエリアのうち215(97.7%)でインタビューを実施し、2298世帯のうち1738でインタビューを完了した。

The sample included men of all racial groups and of a range of different socioeconomic backgrounds. Half of the men were under 25 years of age and 70% were under 30. The population was some what younger than men in the general population.

Rape prevalence

Rape of a woman or girl had been perpetrated by 27.6% of the men interviewed and 4.6% of men had raped in the past year. Rape of a current or ex-girlfriend was disclosed by 14.3% of men. Since many men had raped more than once, rape of a woman or girl who was not a partner was actually more often reported than rape of partners. In all only 4.6% of men had raped a partner and not raped a woman who was not a partner (i.e. an acquaintance or stranger). 11.7% of men had raped an acquaintance or stranger (but not a partner) and 9.7% had raped both. In total, 8.9% said they had raped with one or more other perpetrators when a woman didn’t consent to sex, was forced or when she was too drunk to stop them. Rape of men and boys was also reported, 2.9% said they had done this. Attempted rape was reported by 16.8% of men and 5.3% of men said they had done so in the previous 12 months.

女性・少女をレイプしたことがある 27.6%
昨年レイプした 4.6%
現在のガールフレンドもしくは元カノをレイプした 14.3%
そうでない女性をレイプしたことがない 4.6%
     もしくは知らない女性をレイプした 11.7%
      および知らない女性をレイプした 9.7%
複数の男と、力ずくでセックスした 8.9%
男性もしくは少年をレイプした 2.9%
レイプ未遂 16.8%
昨年レイプ未遂 5.3%
Patterns of rape

Nearly one in two of the men who raped (46.3%) said they had raped more than one woman or girl. In all, 23.2% of men said they had raped 2-3 women, 8.4% had raped 4-5 women, 7.1% said they had raped 6-10 and 7.7% said they had raped more than 10 women or girls.
複数の女性をレイプしたことがある 46.3%
2〜3人 23.2%
4〜5人 8.4%
6〜10人 7.1%
11人以上 7.7%

Asked about their age at the first time they had forced a woman or girl into sex, 9.8% said they were under 10 years old, 16.4% were 10-14 years old, 46.5% were 15-19 years old, 18.6% were 20-24 years old, 6.9% were 25-29 years and 1.9% were 30 or older.
10歳未満 9.8%
10〜14歳 16.4%
15〜19歳 46.5%
20〜24歳 18.6%
25〜29歳 6.9%
30歳以上 1.9%

Associations between rape and HIV

The HIV prevalence among men who had raped was 19.6% and 18.1% among those who had never raped. This difference was not significant (p=0.53). The HIV prevalence was lower, 12.7%, among those who had raped in the past year. Men who had raped another man, in contrast, had a higher prevalence of HIV (27.8%).

The most striking feature of the age-specific HIV prevalence, when plotted for men who have and have not raped, is the very high prevalence of HIV for all men in this sample. The prevalence among all men aged 25-45 was in excess of 25%, and among those aged 30-39 years, over 40%. When examined by rape perpetration status, however, there was no overall difference between the HIV prevalence of men who had raped women and those who had never raped.



Associations between physical intimate partner violence and HIV

In all 42.4% of men had been physically violent to an intimate partner (current or exgirlfriend or wife). Asked about physical violence in the past year, 14.0% (95%CI 12.4, 15.7) of men disclosed perpetration. Men who disclosed violence were very much more likely to have engaged in a range of risky sexual behaviour, as well as to have raped and been raped.


A logistic regression model of factors associated with having HIV showed that men who had been physically violent to a partner on more than one occasion were significantly more likely to have HIV (OR 1.48 95% CI 1.01, 2.17, p=0.04). ...

posted by Kumicit at 2009/06/20 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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