



Deseret Morning Newsの2006年1月21日付けの記事「Senate gives initial OK to 'origins' bill(州上院は"起源"法案に最初のOKを与えた)」によれば:
After a debate laced with references to faith, the Senate on Friday gave its initial blessing to a bill regulating classroom discussions on the origins of life.
The Senate provisionally passed SB96, sponsored by Sen. Chris Buttars, R-West Jordan, 17-12. The bill must be heard one more time, but votes are not expected to change, said Senate Majority Leader Peter C. Knudson, R-Brigham City.


West Jordan選出の州共和党上院議員Chris Buttarsの提案するSB96が17-12[訳注: 定数29なので全員参加]で暫定的に州上院を通過した。法案は再度、採決されなければならないが、票数は変わらないだろうと、共和党Brigham City選出の州上院多数党の指導者Peter C. Knudsonは語った。

Buttars slightly amended the bill on the Senate floor, injecting the word "scientific" into two sentences of the bill. So now, students are to critically analyze theories regarding the origins of life or current state of the human race, and consider opposing "scientific" viewpoints, and learn that not all scientists agree on which "scientific" theory is correct.
The State Board of Education is directed to establish curriculum requirements consistent with that language.



ACLU=American Civil Liberties Unionはこれに対抗:
But the ACLU isn't satisfied the bill would pass constitutional muster.
In a letter sent earlier this week, the ACLU noted the bill's language is similar to disclaimer stickers in Cobb County (Ga.) School District textbooks, which a court ruled "contains an implicit religious message . . . which is discernible after one considers the historical context of the statement that evolution is a theory but not a fact," states the letter signed by legal director Margaret Plane.

今週初めにACLUは法律担当Margaret Planeの証明つきで手紙を送り「法案の記述が、ジョージア州のCobb郡校区の教科書に貼られたステッカーと類似しており、そのステッカーについて『間接的な宗教的メッセージを含んでおり...それは進化論は理論であって事実ではないという主張の歴史的前後関係を考えれば、識別できる』という判決が下されている。」と警告した。


州上院では宗教や科学をめぐって様々な意見が表明された。Deseret Morning Newsの記事には、この法案に反対した議員の発言も掲載されている:
Faith also entered Knudson's speech opposing the bill.
"I don't have any doubt in my mind about the existence of God . . . or creation of Earth by God, or our Father in Heaven. (What I don't know is) how God created the Earth, how God created his creatures and all that is created therein," Knudson said. "There is a place in life for evolution — it's part of life. The whole principle of being born, gaining experiences and leaving this Earth is purely evolution in one context or another. It saddens me that one's faith would be challenged on a vote on this bill. I vote no."



Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. last summer said he did not believe intelligent design should be taught in science classes, and that science students should "be instructed in those things that are somewhat quantifiable and based on thorough and rigorous empirical research." The time to talk about other concepts is outside the classroom, at home or in church, he said.

Jon Hutsman Jr.知事は昨夏に、インテリジェントデザインは理科の授業で教えられるべきとは信じておらず、理科の授業では何ほどか定量化可能で、綿密で厳密な実験上の研究に基づくものを教えられるべきだと信じていると発言した。さらに、他の概念について話すのは教室の外、すなわち家庭や教会であるべきだと語った。

Friday, his deputy chief of staff and spokesman, Mike Mower, said Huntsman's stand is the same. But just as the governor did earlier this year, Mower stopped short of saying the governor would veto Buttars' bill, should it pass the House.

金曜[2006/1/20]に、彼の副知事兼スポークスマンであるMike Mowerは、Hutsman知事の姿勢は変わっていないと発言した。しかし、知事がこの年のはじめにしたように、Mower副知事は、Buttars州上院議員の法案が州下院を通過した場合に州知事が拒否権を発動するとまでは言わなかった。

"It's too early for that discussion," Mowers said. Asked about the changes made in the legislation since it was first proposed, Mowers said only that the administration "will continue to review the bill. However, the governor has made his position clear."

Palo Alto生まれの45歳のHutsman知事は、モルモン教徒の63歳のChris Buttarsの法案を粉砕する意志を固めているもよう。


追記: 2006年1月23日に州上院を最終通過
ユタ州ソルトレイクシティの地方テレビ局のサイトの記事「Senate Gives Final Passage to Evolution Theory Bill(州上院は進化理論法案を最終通過させた」によれば、「16対12」で最終的に州上院を通過。
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