==>19世紀末から20世紀初頭の発明家Elmer Gatesの怪しいネタ(2009/07/09)
このネタを日本国内に広めたと思われる笠巻勝利氏の「眼からウロコが落ちる本 (1999/09)」には、他にも魅力的な都市伝説が掲載されている...
[笠巻勝利: "眼からウロコが落ちる本"(1999/09) (PHP文庫), pp.46-47]
- 子どもに話したい話のネタ10
- ニーズ創造研究所: 潜在意識の力 (2001/01/07)
- 「総務やさん」 第73号 (2002/12/30)
- ウィキテリアス 〜世界の回答〜 - 心理実験-知識の宝庫 ウィキテリアス (2007/02/02)
- 野口嘉則 公式ブログ 「幸せ成功力を高めよう」 (2005/10/17)
- 太田典生の「毎朝1話」良い話のおすそ分け (2006/10/04)
- ロベログ: ブアメード (2006/12/10)
[痛みを長引かせる医師の呪いと条件づけ (archive on 2005/03/31)]時代が1883年から第二次世界大戦前に、オランダがヨーロッパのある国に変わっている。
この改変はこのサイト主ではなく、このサイトがリンクしているTMS JAPANのパブリシティにある「長谷川淳史: "腰痛は<怒り>である" (2002/05/01)(初出は2000/09)」と思われる。
同じ「第二次世界大戦前のヨーロッパで次のような実験」を書いているページ「言葉で人を殺す方法 」に以下のような記述があった:
この「ブアメードの血」を「execution breeding dutch holland psychological experiment bourmade」などのキーワードの組み合わせで英語情報を見つけようとしても、まったくヒットしない。おそらく日本国内に限定された都市伝説だと思われる。
さらに、この「ブアメードの血」と同じパターンの都市伝説が存在する。そのネタとは遅くとも1986年には存在していた「Lethal Indirection」である:
A group of Birmingham students were discussing the question of hypnosis. They decided to try an experiment and invited into the lecture room a laboratory assistant who was always causing them problems and getting them into trouble.これを掲載している"snopes.com"によればPaul Smithは1800年代に別バージョンが存在していたと主張している。
They explained to him that no one could be made to do anything under hypnosis that they would not do when fully awake. They said that a student had been hypnotised, told to execute someone and they wanted the laboratory assistant to help them prove the student would not go through with it.
They asked the assistant to kneel down with his head bent as if ready to have his head chopped off. The 'hypnotised' student was then brought in and with a suitable build-up he gently dropped a wet towel across the back of the victim's neck. Unfortunately, the assistant was of a nervous disposition and the shock brought on a heart attack which killed him.
[Smith, Paul: "The Book of Nastier Legends", London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986] via [Lethal Indirection -- snopes.com]
[笠巻勝利: "眼からウロコが落ちる本" p.46]とても簡略化されているが、これは遅くとも1988年には存在していた都市伝説である:
[都市伝説(英日)のページ -- Deadly Imaginings(恐怖の妄想), Deadly Imaginings ]とても魅力的なネタ、とくに「生き方」について本や「ビジネス」書で使いたくなるネタである。なので、2006年に出版されたビジネス書に使われていたりする:
[Van Ekeren, 1988]
The expression "worried to death" has more truth to it than you might think.
There is a story about Nick Sitzman, a strong, young bull-of-a-man, who worked on a train crew. It seemed Nick had everything: a strong healthy body, ambition, a wife and two children, and many friends. However, Nick had one fault. He was a notorious worrier. He worried about everything and usually feared the worst.
One midsummer day, the train crew were informed that they could quit an hour early in honor of the foreman's birthday. Accidentally, Nick was locked in a refrigerator boxcar, and the rest of the workmen left the site. Nice panicked.
He banged and shouted until his fists were bloody and his voice was hoarse. No one heard him. "If I can't get out, I'll freeze to death in here," he thought. Wanting to let his wife and family know exactly what had happened to him, Nick found a knife and began to etch words on the wooden floor. He wrote, "It's so cold, my body is getting numb. If I could just go to sleep. These may be my last words."
The next morning the crew slid open the heavy doors of the boxcar and found Nick dead. An autopsy revealed that every physical sign of his body indicated he had frozen to death. And yet the refrigeration unit of the car was inoperative, and the temperature inside indicated fifty-five degrees. Nick had killed himself by the power of worry.
[Van Ekeren, Glenn: "The Speaker's Sourcebook, 1988. (pp.390-391)]
[Russ Lombardo: "Cybeselling" , Chapter VII Initial Contact (2006/12/11)]もとの都市伝説とほぼ同じだが、舞台が旧ソ連に改変されている。また、通気性が良く窒息の可能性もなかったという情報が追加されている。
Years ago, before the Soviet Unionwas separated into individual state, there was a mechanic working inside a railroad refrigerator car doing some repairs. Witouht warning, the door suddenly slammed shut with the mechanic inside. The only way to open the door was from the outside. So the mechanic began banging on the door for help. Unfortunately, it was late in the workday and nealy everyone was gone for the day, so no one heard him. After what seemed like an eternity banging and yelling for help, the michanic resolved himself to the fact that he would be spending the night in that railroad refrigerator car.
The next day when the other workers returned to th work site, sadly they opened the refrigerator car door only to find their colleague dead on the floor. They noticed writing on the wall -- writing from their deceased co-worker. There were 4 lines written. They read:
- It's starting to get very cold
- It'sgetting difficult to breath
- I realize that I am going to die here
- There wil be my last words
These words, and the resulting death of their friend, perplexed the workers. You see, due to an electrical problem in the cooling system, the refrigeration unit was not operational and the temperature inside the car that night never went low enough to even remotely approach freezing. So he couldn't have been frozen to death. Also, the car was not airtigtht and there was plenty of oxygen inside the car. So he couldn't have suffocated. Therefor, their only conclusion was that their poor colleague actually willed himself to death.
Positive thinking yields positive results. Negative thinking yileds negative results. Don't get caught thinking negatively. The results are almost always predictable and ofen devastating.
An idea, an impression, a mental commotion, while entirely internal, can produce in another direction physiological effects more or less intense, and is even capable of causing death. Examples are not wanting of persons dying suddenly in consequence of emotion. The power which imagination is capable of exercising over life itself has long been established. The experiment performed in the last century in England on a man condemned to death, who was made the subject of a study of this kind by medical men, is well known. The subject of the experiment was fastened securely to a table with strong straps, his eyes were bandaged, and he was then told that he was to be bled from the neck until every drop of his blood had been drained. After this an insignificant puncture was made in his skin with the point of a needle, and a siphon arranged near his head in such a manner as to allow a continuous stream of water to flow over his neck and fall with a slight sound into a basin placed on the floor. At the end of six minutes the condemned man, believing that he had lost at least seven or eight quarts of blood, died of terror.
Camil Flammarion: L'inconnu= The unknown, 1990, p.236