Ken Hamが主宰する"若い地球の創造論"サイトAnswers in Genesis (AiG)はインテリジェントデザインに対して、「 Carl Wieland: AiG’s views on the Intelligent Design Movement」という2002年8月30日付けの記事で:
AiG supports the ID movement’s efforts to promote academic freedom and to question evolution. When we call into question (hopefully with humility) aspects of their strategy, we do so not to seek to undermine or oppose their efforts, but to encourage careful thinking by all concerned believers (including ourselves) concerning the ways to achieve the most good, and to give most honor and glory to God. In the end, we in AiG are concerned about the truth and authority of the Word of God, the Bible. This is an issue which ultimately transcends and overrides matters such as local school politics and the like.
God, who used even the pagan king Cyrus for His purposes, may use the IDM in spite of the concerns we have raised. We would be delighted to see it make real inroads in the areas of its interest, and are positive about many aspects of its existence, including some of the useful materials it produces. Where we can be natural allies, if this can occur without compromising our Biblical stance in any way, we want to be.
Napa Valley Registerによれば、カリフォルニア州の人口12万のNapa郡のGrace Church of Napa Valleyで、2006年1月21,22日に創造論と進化論の論争が行われた。これにAnswers in GenesisのMike Riddleが参加。Napa在住のフリーライターAnna AbbottによるNapa Valley Registerの「Strict answers to the creation question」という2006年1月27日付けの記事によれば:
In contrast to many evangelicals who espouse I.D., he sees it as a threat. Riddle even began his talk by reading an announcement for Rev. Michael Dowd's talk about intelligent design at the Oakville Carmelite Monastery on Saturday. He delivered it like a standup comedian, reducing his audience to uproarious laughter.
インテリジェントデザインを支持する多くの福音主義者と違って、Mike Riddleはこれを脅威とみなす。Riddleは、Michael Dowd師による土曜日のOakville Carmelite Monasteryでのインテリジェントデザインについての講話について、意見表明を読み上げることから始めた。彼はコメディアンのように読み上げて、聴衆を大笑いさせた。
"Too many churches are buying into the intelligent design movement, opening them up to Buddha and other religions," Riddle said. He treated I.D. as an enemy, paving the way for religious relativism instead of as an ally agreeing with his view of a wise, omnipotent creator. His mention of Buddha seemed out of place since many Buddhists consider themselves non-theists.
Creationism is unique in treating the Bible as a science textbook. Answers in Genesis makes its strict interpretation -- that the cosmos was created in six solar days only six millennia ago -- the litmus test for Christian belief. It is a literal interpretation that makes little room for mysticism, mystery or other perspectives. Instead of inspiring awe, it closed the door on questions of both faith and science. To quote Riddle, "We have the answers." Though his lectures were dynamic, he was more willing to give answers in Genesis than to ask the great questions.
創造論は聖書の科学の教科書とみなす点が他に類を見ない。Answers in Genesisは、宇宙は6日(太陽日=24時間)で、たった6000年前に創造されたという厳密な解釈を、キリスト教徒に対するリトマス試験紙にしようとしている。字義通りの解釈は、神秘主義、神秘あるいはその他の見方に余地をほとんど与えない。それは、畏敬の念を起こさせる代わりに、信仰と科学への問いかけへの扉を閉じることである。Riddleによれば「我々には答えがある」。彼の講演はダイナミックだが、彼は多くを問うよりも、創世記で答えるほうを望んでいた。
神の名を消し去ることで理科教育へ侵入しようとしたインテリジェントデザイン。しかし、Answers in Genesis(AiG)から見れば、キリスト教以外の宗教へ門戸を開く利敵行為と映っているようだ。