
ナイロンを食べるバクテリアは進化の証拠ではない by Dembski

1975年にナイロンを食べるバクテリアを日本の研究者S. Kinoshita, et al [1975]が見つけた。ナイロンは1935年にデュポンが作った合成物。従って、バクテリアは進化したはず。

インテリジェントデザインの数学担当Dr. William A Dembskiは、CSI(Complex Specified Information)は自然法則と偶然では説明できないと主張する。このCSIの定義は、自然法則による必然では説明できなくて、偶然にしては確率が小さすぎ、かつ意味のある情報(エントリ,wiki,Dembski 1998)。

これの反証として、Imaginove社が運営するサイト「LiveScience」のスタッフライターKer Thanの2005年9月23日の記事「Why scientists dismiss "intelligent design"(何故、科学者はインテリジェントデザインを退けるのか)」に、進化の証拠として有名な例であるナイロン問題が紹介されていた:
In 1975, Japanese scientists reported the discovery of bacteria that could break down nylon, the material used to make pantyhose and parachutes. Bacteria are known to ingest all sorts of things, everything from crude oil to sulfur, so the discovery of one that could eat nylon would not have been very remarkable if not for one small detail: nylon is synthetic; it didn't exist anywhere in nature until 1935, when it was invented by an organic chemist at the chemical company Dupont.


The discovery of nylon-eating bacteria poses a problem for ID proponents. Where did the CSI for nylonase—the actual protein that the bacteria use to break down the nylon—come from?


There are three possibilities (可能性は3つ):

  • The nylonase gene was present in the bacterial genome all along.(ナイロナーゼ遺伝子は昔からバクテリアのゲノムにあった)
  • The CSI for nylonase was inserted into the bacteria by a Supreme Being.(ナイロナーゼCSIは、神がバクテリアに仕込んだ)
  • The ability to digest nylon arose spontaneously as a result of mutation. Because it allowed the bacteria to take advantage of a new resource, the ability stuck and was eventually passed on to future generations.(ナイロンを分解する能力は突然変異によってできた。新たな資源を使える利点を得たバクテリアは、その能力を備えて、たまたま次の世代に伝わった)

Apart from simply being the most reasonable explanation, there are two other reasons that most scientists prefer the last option, which is an example of Darwinian natural selection.

First, hauling around a nylonase gene before the invention of nylon is at best useless to the bacteria; at worst, it could be harmful or lethal. Secondly, the nylonase enzyme is less efficient than the precursor protein it's believed to have developed from. Thus, if nylonase really was designed by a Supreme Being, it wasn't done very intelligently.

Ken Thanは"日本の科学者"としか書いてないが、Cite先は:
Kinoshita, S., Kageyama, S., Iba, K., Yamada, Y. and Okada, H., Utilization of a cyclic dimer and linear oligomers of ε-aminocapronoic acid by Achromobacter guttatus K172, Agric. Biol. Chem., 39, 1219–1223, 1975.


Dr.Willam A Dembskiは2日後に、Dembski自らのブログUncommon Descent(非共通祖先)の2005年9月25日付けのエントリ「Why Scientists Should NOT Dismiss Intelligent Design(何故、科学者はインテリジェントデザインを退けてはいけないか)」で反論している。
Actually, the mutation did cause a stop codon; but the stop codon was due not to frame shift but to the sequence introduced by the inserted nucleotide. Simultaneously, the mutation introduced a start codon in a different reading frame, which now encoded an entirely new sequence of amino acids. This is the key aspect of the sequence. It had this special property that it could tolerate any frame shift due to the repetitive nature of the original DNA sequence. Normally in biology, a frame shift causes a stop codon and either truncation of the protein (due to the premature stop codon) or destruction of the abberant mRNA by the nonsense-mediated decay pathway. Nonetheless, the nylonase enzyme, once it arose, had no stop codons so it was able to make a novel, functional protein.


Most proteins cannot do this. For instance, most genes in the nematode have stop codons if they are frame-shifted. This special repetitive nature of protein-coding DNA sequences seems really rare; one biologist with whom I’ve discussed the matter has never seen another example like it. Maybe it’s more common in bacteria. Thus, contrary to Miller, the nylonase enzyme seems “pre-designed” in the sense that the original DNA sequence was preadapted for frame-shift mutations to occur without destroying the protein-coding potential of the original gene. Indeed, this protein sequence seems designed to be specifically adaptable to novel functions.


で、新たに Complex Specified Imformation が加わったのではないから、進化ではないということらしい。


なお、なんと、Ken Ham主宰の若い地球の創造論サイトAnswers in Genesis(AiG)は、TJ—in-depth Journal of Creation 2003年12月号の「The adaptation of bacteria to feeding on nylon waste (ナイロン分解で糧を得るように適応したバクテリア)」で対応済み。執筆は Don Batten(Creationist Agricultural Scientist/Australia)である。記事の論旨は「もともと用意されていた機能が、突然変異で発現したものなので、進化ではない。」というもの。


posted by Kumicit at 2006/02/01 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Dembski | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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