

[Axel Meyer: "Charles Darwin's Reception in Germany and What Followed", PLoS Biology, 2009/07/28

In Germany, Charles Darwin's thinking was accepted very quickly after the publication of On the Origin of Species in November, 1859. This was due, in no small measure, to the fact that a translation by the noted German paleontologist Heinrich Georg Bronn appeared in April, 1860, only months after the original publication [1]. Bronn's own research led him to several insights that paralleled those of Darwin, resulting in a translation that was quite liberal and included the addition of numerous footnotes; but perhaps most importantly, Bronn added a new final chapter (chapter 15) to Darwin's book [2].

ドイツでは1859年11月の「種の起源」の出版の後、すぐにチャールズ・ダーウィンの考えが受け入れられた。これは、少なからず、著名なドイツの古生物学者Heinrich Georg Bronnの翻訳が、わずか数ヵ月後の1860年4月に出版[1]されたことによる。Bronnは自らの研究により、ダーウィンと同様の洞察を幾つか得ており、その結果として、翻訳はとてもフリーダムで多くの注記が追加な最終章(Chapter 15)を追加したことだ。

In these final notes, Bronn summarized his assessments of and conclusions on Darwin's Origin in 26 pages [2]. He outlined what he thought Darwin had meant to say, partly reinterpreted it, and critiqued it. Darwin welcomed this discussion, and 18 letters were exchanged between the two men. In subsequent editions of Origin, Darwin developed his theory further through such feedback. Bronn's critical epilogue was partly inspired by his adherence to an idealistic -- even romantic -- and teleological Naturphilosophie that viewed evolution as a progressive development toward perfection; this has at least been long thought, explaining why Bronn used the word, in both text and title of the translation, vervollkommnet (perfected) for Darwin's word “favored.”


Bronn also freely translated Darwin's “struggle for existence” into Kampf ums Dasein, which might be best translated back into English as “fight for existence or life,” a phrase that Darwin himself was not entirely happy with. New interpretations of Bronn's work and his influence on Ernst Haeckel and evolutionary thought in Germany are presented in the new book by Sander Gliboff, H. G. Bronn, Ernst Haeckel, and the Origins of German Darwinism: A Study in Translation and Transformation [3].

Bronnはダーウィンの用語「生存競争(struggle for existence)」を"Kampf ums Dasein"とフリーダムに訳した。これを英語に訳し戻せば、"fight for existence or life"(生存のための戦い)になり、ダーウィンはこの訳を好まなかった。Sander Gliboffの新刊書"rnst Haeckel, and the Origins of German Darwinism: A Study in Translation and Transformation"は、Bronnについての新たな解釈および、Ernst Haeckelやドイツの進化論思考への影響が提示される[3]。

Haeckel, who was the most influential don of German zoology for several decades, probably read Darwin's Origin in German during his PhD work in Jena, since his command of English was not particularly good.



  1. Darwin C (1860) Über die Entstehung der Arten im Thier- und Pflanzen-Reich durch natürliche Züchtung, oder Erhaltung der vervollkommneten Rassen im Kampfe um's Daseyn. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 520 p. Facsimile of the first german edition 1860.
  2. Bronn H. G (1863) Schlusswort des Übersetzers. Über die Entstehung der Arten im Thier- und Pflanzen-Reich durch natürliche Züchtung, oder Erhaltung der vervollkommneten Rassen im Kampfe um's Daseyn. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. pp. 495–520. Facsimile of the first german edition 1860.
  3. Gliboff S (2008) H.G. Bronn, Ernst Haeckel, and the origins of German Darwinism: a study in translation and transformation. Cambridge (Massachusetts): MIT Press. 259 p.
Bronnによるフリーダムな翻訳や注記・最終章追加などで、内容はひずんでしまったらしい。そして、英語が不得意な"情弱"Ernst Haeckel[1834-1919]は、おそらくフリーダムなBronn版で"種の起源"に触れただろうというのが、レビューされた本の著者たちの推測。

posted by Kumicit at 2009/08/12 16:08 | Comment(1) | TrackBack(0) | ID: General | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする
Posted by anond at 2009/08/13 15:52



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