[Casey Luskin: "Human Origins and Intelligent Design -- Review and Analysis", ISCID Archive, August 2004]さて、Casey Luskinが論拠としたインテリジェントデザイン運動の指導者であるDr. Stephen Meyerは何を根拠に言っているか見てみると...
Abstract: Intelligent agents can rapidly infuse large amounts of genetic information into the biosphere, reflected in the fossil record as the abrupt appearance of novel fossil forms without similar precursors.
As Meyer et al. note:Intelligent design provides a sufficient causal explanation for the origin of large amounts of information, since we have considerable experience of intelligent agents generating informational configurations of matter.[4]
[4] Meyer S. C., Ross, M., Nelson, P., Chien, P., "The Cambrian Explosion: Biology's Big Bang," in Darwinism, Design, and Public Education, edited [強調追加]
[Stephen C. Meyer, P. A. Nelson, and Paul Chien: "The Cambrian Explosion: Biology’s Big Bang", 2001]Dr. Stephen Meyerの論拠はHenry Quastlerらしい。ということで、Henry Quastler:"The Emergence of Biological Organization"を見てみると...
As Meyer argued in a previous essay about the origin of life, intelligent design does provide a sufficient causal explanation for the origin of large amounts of information, since we have considerable experience of intelligent agents generating informational configurations of matter. To quote information theorist Henry Quastler, the “creation of new information is habitually associated with conscious activity.”[95]
Meyerが前のエッセイで生命の起源について論じたように、インテリジェントデザインは大量の情報の起源について十分な因果関係の説明ができる。というのは我々は、インテリジェントエージェントが情報量のある物質の構成を生成するという少なからぬ経験を持っているからだ。情報理論家Henry Quastlerを引用しておくと「新しい情報の創造にはいつも意識活動が伴っている」」
[95] Henry Quastler: "The Emergence of Biological Organization" (1964, p.16).
The `accidental choice remembered' is a common mode of originating information. Since creation of information is habitually associated with conscious activity, it will be worthwhile to discuss this mode of creating information in terms of human activity. A humble way of originating information furnishes an exact analog to the presumed situation in the case of the nucleic acid system: this is the instance of information emerging by the choosing of a number combination to unlock a safe. It does not matter how the combination was originally selected wisely, by culling it from a table of random numbers, or unwisely, by using a guessable sequence such as birth date or telephone number. What matters is that before the combination is set into the lock, every number sequence is exactly as good as every other one (namely, no good!), and after it has been set, one sequence is useful and all others are useless. Thus the choice of a sequence and the subsequent implementation of the choice by setting the lock have created information.
(Quastler H., "The Emergence of Biological Organization," Yale University Press: New Haven CT, 1964, pp.16-17. Emphasis original)
[quoted by Stephen E. Jones]
ということで、「インテリジェントエージェントは大量の遺伝情報を生物圏に急速に吹きこめる」というCasey Luskinの主張の論拠は存在しない。