A judge on Wednesday struck down a 2006 state law that required the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security to stress “dependence on Almighty God as being vital to the security of the commonwealth.”年初のNY Timesの報道によれば、州法に全能の神を書き込んだ民主党Tom Riner州下院議員は30年以上にわたり、神を公的場所に持ち込むことだけに、すべてを捧げてきた:
Franklin Circuit Judge Thomas Wingate ruled that the law violated the First Amendment’s protection against the establishment of a state religion. Homeland Security officials have been required for three years to credit “Almighty God” in their official reports and post a plaque with similar language at the state’s Emergency Operations Center in Frankfort.
Franklin巡回裁判官Thomas Wingateは、この州法が政教分離を定めた憲法修正第1条違反であると判決した。これまで国土安全保障局は、公式報告で「全能の神」の功績を記述し、Frankfortにある州の緊急オペレーションセンターに同様の記述をした飾り額を貼ることを義務付けられていた。
“Even assuming that most of this nation’s citizens have historically depended upon God by choice for their protection, this does not give the General Assembly the right to force citizens to do so now,” Wingate wrote.
“This is the very reason the Establishment Clause was created: to protect the minority from the oppression of the majority,” he wrote. “The commonwealth’s history does not exclude God from the statutes, but it had never permitted the General Assembly to demand that its citizens depend on Almighty God.”
State Rep. Tom Riner, D-Louisville, a Southern Baptist minister, placed the “Almighty God” language into a homeland security bill without much notice. Riner did not immediately return a call seeking comment Wednesday.
The Herald-Leader reported on the law last November, prompting jokes about Kentucky on late-night television shows and a lawsuit by American Atheists of Parsippany, N.J., and 10 non-religious Kentuckians. Wingate was ruling in that lawsuit.
南部バプテストの牧師である、Louisville選出民主党Tom Riner州下院議員は、「全能の神」という記述を国土安全保障州法案に周知することなく挿入した。Tom Riner州下院議員はコメントを求められたが、すぐにはコメントしなかった。
John Cheves: "Judge: Homeland Security can’t require dependence on God" (2009/08/26) on Bluegrass Politics]
For more than 30 years, Mr. Riner’s singular devotion has been to inject God into the public arena. It has guided him as he preached the Bible in the countryside of Nicaragua and Jamaica. And it steers him as he proselytizes the formerly homeless and drug-addicted people who live with him at his ramshackle church in one of the poorest sections of this city.2008年6月に成立したルイジアナ州反進化論州法Act473の提案者Ben Nevers州上院議員も民主党であり、宗教右翼は共和党だけの存在ではないことを示している。
But this unrelenting mission has also frequently taken Mr. Riner and the Kentucky legislature, where he has been a Democratic representative for 26 years, across the constitutional barrier between church and state.
[Ian urbina:"Lawmaker in Kentucky Mixes Piety and Politics" (2009/01/03) on NY times]
ところで、Tom Riner州下院議員の教会はこれらしい:
[Christ Is King Baptist Church
Christ Is King Baptist Church (Christ Is King School For Ex)
1147 E Broadway, Louisville, KY 40204-1711(Louisville, KY-IN Metro Area)
Business Categories: Schools With Special Academic in Louisville, KY
Elementary/Secondary School, Elementary and Secondary Schools
Christ Is King Baptist Church is a private company categorized under Schools With Special Academic and located in Louisville, KY. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of unknown and employs a staff of approximately 1 to 4.
Company Contacts:Contact Name: Tom Riner, Pastor