This is how to design an online poll to stymie the Pharyngulistas: make sure it makes no sense and limits the options to only unpalatable choices. Go ahead and try and figure this one out…although it does say it is for creationists, and it is for Christians only.
これがPharyngula読者からオンライン世論調査を守る方法だ。意味をなさなくて、どれも選べない。さっそく見てみよう。これは創造論者用であり、キリスト教徒限定だ。Why Creationist is your favorite?
15% (3) Kent Hovind
5% (1) Ken Ham
36% (7) Both (両方)
42% (8) Neither... someone else (どっちでもなくて、他の誰か)
"Why creationist," indeed.(何故創造論者)
[PZ Myers: "Working towards the perfect pointless poll" (2009/09/03) on Pharyngula]
[Why Creationist]