Scientists have been trying to get an accurate estimate of the mutation rate for over 70 years.もう少し詳しいバージョンはPhysOrgにあった。
However, only now has it been possible to get a reliable estimate, thanks to "next generation" technology for genetic sequencing.
In 1935, one of the founders of modern genetics, JBS Haldane, studied a group of men with the blood disease haemophilia. He speculated that there would be about 150 new mutations in each of us.
1935年に現代遺伝学の始祖のひとりであるJBS Haldaneは血友病の男性たちを研究した。彼は人間には150の新たな突然変異があると推定した。
However, next generation sequencing technology has enabled the scientists to produce a far more direct and reliable estimate.
They looked at thousands of letters of the genetic code within the Y chromosomes of two Chinese men. They knew the men were distantly related, having shared a common ancestor who was born in 1805.
By looking at the number of differences between the two men, and the size of the human genome, they were able to come up with an estimate of between 100 and 200 new mutations per person.
Impressively, it seems that Haldane was right all along.
[Sudeep Chand: "We're all mutants, say scientists" (2009/09/02) on BBC]
==>We are all mutants: Measurement of mutation rate in humans by direct sequencing (2009/08/27)
このような報道には必ず反応するのが、"若い地球の創造論"ミニストリAnswers in Genesisである。ただし、今回は、いたって普通の反応だった。
Answers in Genesisは以下のScience Dailyの記事を参照した:
Central Asian ethnic groups are more defined by societal rules than ancestry. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Genetics found that overall there are more genetic differences within ethnic groups than between them, indicating that separate 'ethnic groups' exist in the mind more than the blood.そして、最後に、創造論な主張である「アダムとイブを始祖とする人類」につなげた:
中央アジアの民族集団は祖先よりも社会的規範によって定まっている。オープンアクセス学術誌BMC Geneticsに論文を書いた研究者たちは、民族集団内の遺伝的な違いが、民族集団間の違いよりも大きく、これは民族集団の違いが"血"ではなく、"心"によるものだということを示している。
Evelyne Heyer, from the Musée de l'Homme in Paris, France, led an international team of researchers who studied mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosome data from several populations of two major language ethnic groups of Central Asia, the Turkic and Indo-Iranian groups.
フランスのパリのMusée de l'HommeのEvelyne Heyerは、トルコ系とインド=イラン系という中央アジアの2つの主要な言語民族集団のいくつかの集団のミトコンドリアDNAとY染色体のデータを調査する国際チームを率いた。
She said: "Our results indicate that, for at least two of the Turkic groups in Central Asia, ethnicity is a constructed social system maintaining genetic boundaries with other groups, rather than being the outcome of common genetic ancestry."
Evelyne Heyerは「我々の結果は、少なくとも中央アジアの2つのトルコ系集団では、民族性は、他の集団との遺伝的境界を維持する社会制度によって構成されており、遺伝的共通祖先の子孫という血のつながりによりものではない。」と述べた。
[No Such Thing As Ethnic Groups, Genetically Speaking, Researchers Say (2009/08/31) on Science Daily]
The team’s research is reflective of what we have long argued about all human people groups, including what are mistakenly called “races”; even though some groups share superficial and cultural differences, we are all equally human in the eyes of biology—and all of “one blood,” as the Bible teaches (Acts 17:26). Differences in such features as skin tone can be explained by such factors as natural and artificial selection working on pre-existing genetic variation, ...なお、聖書の引用部分は:
使徒言行録17章26節新たな成果について、敵対せずに、創造論の主張へつなげるあたりが、"若い地球の創造論"ミニストリAnswers in Genesisの特徴的な対応。