In this view, the replicator of life is the gene; thus the organism is simply the vehicle for the genes ("survival machines-robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes"…"they swarm in huge colonies, safe inside gigantic lumbering robots"). It is a recasting of Butler’s famous aphorism that a hen is simply the egg’s way of making another egg. An animal, for Dawkins, is only DNA’s way of making more DNA. He imbues the genes with certain mystical qualities which is essentially teleological.「本質的に目的論である神秘的な性質」という記述がなければ、インテリジェントデザイン運動と何ら変わらない。
この見方では、生命の複製者は遺伝子である。したがって、生物は遺伝子の乗り物に過ぎない。(遺伝子として知られる利己的分子を保存するように盲目的にプログラムされた乗り物にして生存機械 ... 遺伝子たちは安全な巨大な鈍重なロボット内側に巨大なコロニーをつくる)。これは「雌鶏はもう一つの卵を作らせるための卵の手段である」という Butlerの有名な警句の再演である。Dawkinsにとって動物は、さらに多くのDNAを作らせるためのDNAの手段である。Dawkinsは本質的に目的論である神秘的な性質を遺伝子に持たせる。
[lan Woods and Ted Grant: " Reason in Revolt: Marxism and Modern Science" on Defence of Marxism]
まさに同様な記述をインテリジェントデザインの父たるPhillip Johnsonも書いている:
This is not only absurd but embarrassingly naive. If human nature is actually constructed by genes whose predominant quality is a ruthless selfishness, then pious lectures advocating qualities like generosity and altruism are probably just another strategy for furthering selfish interests. Ruthless predators are often moralistic in appearance, because that is how they disarm their intended victims. The genes who teach their robot vehicles not to take morality seriously, but to take advantage of fools who do, will have a decisive advantage in the Darwinian competition.似たような主張をする者が右翼と左翼に存在する理由として、共通する考えがあるとMatt Cartmillは主張する:
[Phillip Johnson: "The Robot Rebellion of Richard Dawkins" on Discovery Institute]
Both camps believe passionately that the big truths about the world are moral truths. They view the universe in terms of good and evil, not truth and falsehood. The first question they ask about any supposed fact is whether it serves the cause of righteousness. Their notions of good and evil are different, but both see the commonplace surface of the world as a veil of illusion, obscuring the deeper moral truths behind everything that give life its meaning.この主張を裏付けるものとして、たとえばアカデミック左翼と呼ぶべきレウォンティンがいる。彼は18世紀のブルジョア革命のイデオロギーの反映だと「生物の世界へのこのような個体中心の見方」を批判する:
Science, however, worries only about whether things are true and has no opinion about what they signify. In so doing, it offends both the religious right and the academic left. Both camps reject its claim to being objective and morally neutral. Because they don't think such a thing is possible, they see the pretended objectivity of science as a cover for ulterior motives.
[Matt Cartmill: "Oppressed by evolution - Christian right, multicultural left united against theory of evolution - Cover Story", Discover, March, 1998 (COPY)]
[レウォンティン(川口啓明・菊池昌子訳): 遺伝子と言う神話, 大月書店, 1998], 科学は社会を反映する p.25
[レウォンティン(川口啓明・菊池昌子訳): 遺伝子と言う神話, 大月書店, 1998], 科学は社会を反映する pp.123-124
Yet a little over a century ago, this cardinal idea came under wholesale attack by intellectuals drawing on the discoveries of modern science. Debunking the traditional conceptions of both God and man, thinkers such as Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, and Sigmund Freud portrayed humans not as moral and spiritual beings, but as animals or machines who inhabited a universe ruled by purely impersonal forces and whose behavior and very thoughts were dictated by the unbending forces of biology, chemistry, and environment.
This statement highlights one of the animating concerns of Discovery Institute's Institute’s Center for Science and Culture: the worldview of scientific materialism. We. think this worldview is false; we think that the theories that gave rise to it (such. Darwinism, Marxism and Freudian psychology) are demonstrably false; and we think that these theories have had deleterious cultural consequences.
この言明はDiscovery InstituteのCenter for Science and Cultureの行動中の懸念のひとつたる科学的唯物論の世界観をハイライトしたものだ。我々はこの世界観が間違っていると考えている。我々は、好ましくない結果をもたらした、これらの理論が明らかに間違いだと考えている。我々はこれらの理論が文化的に有害な効果を与えたと考えている。
[THE WEDGE STRATEGY on Discovery Institute]
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