
共通祖先を肯定しようとしたが、やっぱり否定にもどった?Discovery Institute

PZ MyerがPandasThumbに投稿した記事によれば、インテリジェントデザインの本山たるDiscovery Instituteが、「人類と猿に共通祖先がいた」ことを認める方向転換したかもしれないという。ただし、すぐに撤回するさと予言。


Discovery Instituteは"共通祖先"について方針を変えたのか

進化論サイドで創造論と戦うブログPandasThumbに投稿された2006年1月31日付の記事「ID floats a lead-lined trial balloon(IDは観測気球をあげる)」によれば、インテリジェントデザインの本山たるDiscovery Instituteは少し戦略を変えたかもしれないという。

Discovery Instituteで現在Center for Science and CultureのProgram DirectorsをつとめるDr. Stephen Meyerはもともと、人類と猿の間の共通祖先を認めていなかったようだ。進化論サイドで創造論と戦うTakjOriginsにある「カンザス教育委員会が2005年5月に開いたいわゆる"理科公聴会"の速記録」によれば、Dr. Stephen Meyerは次のように答えている:
Q(Mr. Irigonegaray). Do you accept the general principle of common descent that all life is biologically related back to the beginning of life, yes or no?

A(Stephen Meyer). I won't answer that question as a yes or no. I accept the idea of limited common descent. I am skeptical about universal common descent. I do not take it as a principle; it is a theory. And I think the evidence supporting the theory of universal common descent is weak.

Q. Do you accept that human beings are related by common descent to prehominid ancestors, yes or no?

A. I'm not sure. I'm skeptical of it because I think the evidence for the proposition is weak, but it would not affect my conviction that life is designed if it turns out that there was a genealogical continuity.

しかし、PZ Myerによれば、2006年1月29日のDallas Newsの記事「Signs of intelligence(インテリジェンスの徴)[Discovery Instituteのコピー]において:
In contrast, the theory of intelligent design holds that there are telltale features of living systems and the universe that are best explained by a designing intelligence. The theory does not challenge the idea of evolution defined as change over time, or even common ancestry, but it does dispute Darwin's idea that the cause of biological change is wholly blind and undirected.


さらにPZ Meyerによれば:
DaveScot on Bill Dembski's blog (TfK has the link) has a bit of a rant on it -- he's going to kick out anyone who questions the idea of common descent, and goes on and on about how denying common ancestry is a religious idea that goes against all of the scientific evidence, and therefore must be purged if ID is to achieve any status as an actual scientific idea.

Bill Dembskiのブログ(TfKにリンクあり)で、Dave Scotはちょっとそれに怒っている。彼は共通祖先という考え方を疑う者は誰でも蹴りだそうとし、いかに共通祖先を否定することが、科学的証拠に背いた宗教的に考えでありと話を進め、従ってIDが実際の科学的な考えとしての立場を確保するには、そんなものは追放しなければならないとまで書いた。

その内容は、Dembskiのブログの執筆者のひとりであるDave Scotの2006年1月30日付けの記事「Framing The ID Debate Around Science
I will remind everyone again - please frame your arguments around science. If the ID movement doesn’t get the issue framed around science it’s going down and I do not like losing. The plain conclusion of scientific evidence supports descent with modification from a common ancestor. You are certainly welcome to have other opinions based on faith in something other than science but I’d ask that you go to a religious website with them if you must talk about it.

You certainly don’t have to agree here with descent with modification from a common ancestor but I’m going to start clamping down on anyone positively arguing against it. It’s simply counter-productive to our goals and reinforces the idea that ID is religion because nothing but religion argues against descent with modification from a common ancestor. What we are fighting is the idea that the modification was unguided. ID can fight that without ever leaving the battleground of plain scientific conclusions. If we try to argue against anything else we're are (sic) going to lose. Plain and simple. No buts about it. There's only one gaping vulnerability in the commonly accepted evolutionary narrative we can exploit successfully and that's the bit about it being unplanned.




2006年1月31日付けの"PaV"の記事「The Plausibility of (ID) Life」

2006年1月31日付けの"scordova "の記事「ID at George Mason University」

の間にあったはずの"DaveScot"の記事「try really hard to only talk science」

ただし確かにその記事が存在した証拠はさっきのgoogleキャッシュとGoogle Blog SearchのXMLにある:

Google Blog Search: archives 744 site:uncommondescent.com
2006-02-05T07:01:32ZGoogle Blog Search Results: 1 results for archives 744 blogurl:uncommondescent.com - showing 1 through 1
Framing The ID Debate Around Science
I will remind everyone again - please frame your arguments around science. If the ID movement doesn’t get the issue framed around science it’s going down and I do not like losing. The plain conclusion of scientific evidence supports ...

そもそも、「人類と猿に共通祖先はいない」というのがインテリジェントデザインの動機であり理論である。たとえば、Discovery InstituteのスタッフであるCasey Luskinは、人類と猿は共通祖先を持たない[Luskin 2004]と主張している。

また、PZ Myerによれば:
they've got a long list of ID advocates on the record at the Kansas hearings denying common descent: Angus Menuge, Nancy Bryson, Ed Peltzer, Russell Carlson, Warren Nord, Michael Behe, Jonathan Wells, Bruce Simat, Charles Thaxton, and Stephen Meyer are all quoted as rejecting it to various degrees, and ironically, Dembski's blog is titled "Uncommon Descent".

彼らはカンザス公聴会において共通祖先を否定したID支持者の長いリストがある:Angus MenugeyやNancy Bryson, Ed Peltzer, Russell Carlson, Warren Nord, Michael Behe, Jonathan Wells, Bruce Simat, Charles ThaxtonそしてStephen Meyerが、程度の差こそあれ共通祖先を否定している。皮肉にもDembskiのブログのタイトルは"非共通祖先"である。




I’m confused. Does that mean, for example, that raising the Cambrian Explosion as an objection to macroevolution is inappropriate or does ID say that a designer just caused occasional, sudden accelerations in evolutionary change? Is that what ID says?
Comment by russ — January 30, 2006 @ 10:14 pm


Chill out man.
Even if ID gets pushed into the realm of philosophy perhaps it can take Darwinism with it.
Comment by Qualiatative — January 30, 2006 @ 10:16 pm


“If humans and lobsters share a common ancestor in this sense, then there must be a reproductive process which can create from this ancestor the specific, complex, adaptive characteristics of modern humans and lobsters without an influx of information from the outside.” - Phillip Johnson
Comment by Tiax — January 30, 2006 @ 10:18 pm

「この意味で、ヒトとロブスターが共通の祖先を持つなら、外部から情報流入なしに、この祖先から現生人類とロブスターの特定の複雑な適応した特徴を創造できる再生産過程が存在しなければならない。」-- Phillip Johnson

posted by Kumicit at 2006/02/08 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | DiscoveryInstitute | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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