

[Mike Pflanz (Nairobi): "Kenya drought leaves 4m needing handouts (2009/09/22) on Telegraph]

Three failed rainy seasons have left up to four million Kenyans needing food handouts and trucked-in water as the latest in a series of droughts sweeps through the Horn of Africa.

As many as 19 million people are currently affected by the lack of rain in Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia and Djibouti.

Harvests have failed in many places and food prices have increased by as much as 130 per cent.

連続する旱魃がHorn of Africaを襲い、降水量不足な雨期が3回あって、最大400万人のケニヤ人が食糧や水などの援助を必要とするようになった。


この状況で、WFP(世界食糧計画)は資金不足に陥って、ケニヤなど東部アフリカ諸国への援助削減計画を表明した。これに対して、ケニヤの報道機関Daily NAtionは悲鳴にも似た英文記事を掲載している:
[WFP cut on funding 'disastrous' for starving Kenyans (2009/09/20) on Daily NAtion (Kenya)]

World Food Programme plans to cut down its funding for Kenya due to the global recession is disastrous and spell doom for millions of starving people, humanitarian organisations said on Sunday.

East African Association of Grant Makers and 19 affiliated groups said in a statement by the Chief Executive Officer Ms Lucy Githaiga that WFP decision would be catastrophic, although the economic meltdown is a challenge to philanthropy.


East African Association of Grant Makersおよび19の協賛団体は、CEOであるMs Lucy Githaigaの声明のなかで、「経済のメルトダウンによる慈善活動への影響があったとはいえ、世界食糧計画の決定は破滅的だ」と述べた。

[One million set to join list of needy Kenyans (2009/09/20) on Daily NAtion (Kenya)]

The number of Kenyans needing emergency aid could go up by one million in 10 days as aid agencies run out of funds and the short rains set in.

According to Kenya Red Cross Society, the number of people requiring food, seed and other aid will rise to 3.8 million in October, up from 2.7 million.

Red Cross secretary-general Abbas Gullet said on Friday his organisation, in conjunction with the World Food Programme and the Kenyan Government was catering for those requiring critical assistance.

Launching a fresh appeal for aid, Mr Gullet said the organisation needs Sh589 million in the next six months to provide 1.6 million people with food, water, medicines and seed.

This could, however, be hampered by reports from the WFP that it might have to stop relief aid to Kenya next month due to a shortage of funds, soaring food prices and the global crisis.



ケニヤ赤十字のAbbas Gullet事務局長は金曜日に、ケニヤ赤十字が世界食糧計画およびケニヤ政府と連携して、緊急援助が必要な人々に援助を提供中だと述べた。新たな援助へのアピールの開始にあたり、160万人に食糧と医療と種子を今後6か月間にわたり提供するのに、ケニヤ赤十字は5億8900万ケニヤシリングが必要だと述べた。

"Horn of Africa"すなわちソマリア・エチオピア・スーダン・ジプチも世界食糧計画の資金不足の影響を受けるため、同様の状況になると思われる。たとえば、The Associated Pressの報道によればソマリアも18年ぶりの旱魃被害になるもよう。

posted by Kumicit at 2009/09/23 01:55 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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