Ardi proves Darwin wrong!! -- by Al-Jazeerah - Arabic version (2009/10/03) on RichardDawkins.Net]まずは比較対象として、普通の報道の例としてBBCの2009年10月1日付の報道を見ておこう:
Thanks to an Arab fan for the link and summary of the Al-Jazeerah article
Ardi proves Darwin wrong!! (Ardiがダーウィンが間違っていることを証明する)
Imagine that CNN surprisingly announces that Darwin has been proven wrong and that new evidence has emerged which cancels all the ideas regarding evolution. Well this is exactly what happened in the Arabian version of Al-Jazeerah, the most respected news agency in the Arab world.
"American scientists have provided new evidence that shows that Darwin's theory of evolution and natural selection is wrong, this was shown through a study on human origins done by scientists from Kent Uni. & Uni of California on the oldest known evidence for humans on earth, which is an Ethiopian human skeleton 4 million years old named Ardi"
「米国人科学者が、ダーウィンの進化論と自然選択が間違っていることを示す証拠を提示した。これはKent State UniversityとUniversity of Californiaの科学者による人類の起源の研究で、Ardiと名付けられた400万年前のエチオピアの骨格である、地球上で既知の最古の人類の証拠によるものである」
This opening paragraph of the article just drips with scientific ignorance and being an Arab myself makes me ashamed when reading it. If this were a news agency like FOX News I would really understand but this is the most non-biased Arabic speaking news agency you can find and this makes me scared.
記事のこの最初のパラグラフは、科学への無知に満ちていて、アラブ人である私自身が読んで恥じるようなものだ。これがFOX Newsみたいな報道機関なら別に驚かない。しかし、もっともバイアスの小さいアラビア語報道機関の記事であることが怖い。
What's even more interesting is that when I opened to the English version of Al-Jazeerah to share this article with you, there was no mention of this incredible finding, it was just on the Arabic pages. Also there was this wonderful comment by an Arabic so called scientist; "...the westerners seemed to return to their senses after having dealt with the origin of humanity in a materialistic way while denying what religion says".
We're far away, very far behind,
An Arabian freethinker
[Jonathan Amos: "Fossil finds extend human story" (2009/10/01) on BBC]
An ancient human-like creature that may be a direct ancestor to our species has been described by researchers.
The assessment of the 4.4-million-year-old animal called Ardipithecus ramidus is reported in the journal Science.
Even if it is not on the direct line to us, it offers new insights into how we evolved from the common ancestor we share with chimps, the team says.
Ardipithecus ramidusと呼ばれる440万年前の動物の研究報告がScience誌に掲載された。これが我々の直接の祖先でなくとも、チンパンジーとの共通祖先からどのように我々が進化したかについて新たな洞察が得られると研究チームは述べた。
Fossils of A. ramidus were first found in Ethiopia in 1992, but it has taken 17 years to assess their significance.
The most important specimen is a partial skeleton of a female nicknamed "Ardi".
Ardipithecus ramidusの化石が最初に発見されたのは1992年のエチオピアだったが、重大な意味が見つかるまでに17年を要した。
The international team has recovered key bones, including the skull with teeth, arms, hands, pelvis, legs, and feet.
But the researchers have other fragments that may represent perhaps at least 36 different individuals, including youngsters, males, and females.
One of the lead scientists on the project, Professor Tim White from the University of California, Berkeley, said the investigation had been painstaking.
国際チームが歯のついた頭蓋と腕と手と骨盤と脚と足を含むキーとなる骨格を復元した。しかし、研究者たちの手には、子供や男や女を含む少なくとも36個体の骨の断片が残っていた。プロジェクトの指導的科学者のひとりであるUniversity of California, BerkeleyのTim White教授は、調査を念入りに行ったと述べた。
"It took us many, many years to clean the bones in the National Museum of Ethiopia and then set about to restore this skeleton to its original dimensions and form; and then study it and compare it with all the other fossils that are known from Africa and elsewhere, as well as with the modern age," he told the journal.
"This is not an ordinary fossil. It's not a chimp. It's not a human. It shows us what we used to be."
「National Museum of Ethiopiaの化石をきれいにして、生きていたときの形態に骨格を復元するのに多くの年月がかかった。そして、アフリカやその他の地域で見つかっている化石や現代に近い化石などと比較した。これは普通の化石ではない。これはチンパンジーではない。人間でもない。我々の祖先の姿を示している。」と彼は論文に書いた。
Tree life
The fossils come from the Middle Awash study area in the Afar Rift, about 230km northeast of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital.
Some of the characteristics of the animal's skeleton are said to echo features seen in very ancient apes; others presage traits seen in later, more human-like species.
化石はエチオピアの首都Addis Ababaの北東230kmにあるAfar RiftのMiddle Awash研究エリアから見つかった。その動物の骨格の特徴のいくつかは非常に古い類人猿の特徴を反映したものだったが、もっと後の時代の人間のような種にみられる特徴もあった。
The scientists say 1.2m-high (4ft) Ardi was good at climbing trees but also walked on two feet. However she did not have arched feet like us, indicating that she could not walk or run for long distances.
"She has opposable great toes and she has a pelvis that allows her to negotiate tree branches rather well," explained team-member Professor Owen Lovejoy, from Kent State University, Ohio.
"So half of her life is spent in the trees; she would have nested in trees and occasionally fed in trees, but when she was on the ground she walked upright pretty close to how you and I walk," he told BBC News.
科学者たちは、身長1.2メートルのArdiは木登りに長けていたが、二足方向していたと述べた。しかし、Ardiは我々のような土踏まずがなかった。これはArdiが長距離を歩いたり走ったりできなかったことを示している。「Ardiには向い合せになる足指があり、木の枝を乗り越えられる骨盤があった。なので、生活の半分は樹上だった。Ardiは樹上に住んで、ときどき樹上で食事をしたが、地上では我々が歩くのとほぼ同じように直立歩行した。」と研究チームのメンバーであるオハイオ州Kent State UniversityのOwen Lovejoy教授はBBCに語った。
That she lived in what would have been a wooded area 4.4 million years ago is somewhat challenging, says the team. It had been thought that early human evolution was driven, if only in part, by the disappearance of trees - encouraging our ancestors to walk on the ground.
"These creatures were living and dying in a woodland habitat, not an open savannah," said Professor White.
Because of its age, Ardipithecus is said to take science closer to the yet-to-be-found last common ancestor with chimps, our close genetic relatives.
And because many of Ardipithecus' traits do not appear in modern-day African apes, it suggests this common ancestor may have existed much further back in time than had previously been supposed - perhaps seven or nine million years ago.
Comparisons with modern chimp and gorilla anatomy also underline just how much these African apes themselves have evolved since parting company with the line that led eventually to modern humans.
Rapid evolution
Asked whether A. ramidus was our direct ancestor or not, the team said more fossils from different places and time periods were needed to answer the question.
"We will need many more fossil recoveries from the period of 3-5 million years ago to confidently answer that question in the future," the scientists said in a briefing document that accompanied their journal papers.
"But if Ardipithecus ramidus was not actually the species directly ancestral to us, she must have been closely related to it, and would have been similar in appearance and adaptation.
Ardipithecus ramidusが我々の直接の祖先か否かについて答えるには、研究チームは他の地域、他の時代の多くの化石が必要だと述べている。「我々は300〜500万年前の時代のより多くの化石の復元が、自信を持って答えるために必要だ。もし、Ardipithecus ramidusが実際に我々の直接の祖先でなしとしても、Ardiは直接の祖先と非常に近い近縁で、よく似た外見と適応をしていただろう。」と発表論文のブリーフィングドキュメントで述べている。
Independent experts in the field are struck by how primitive Ardipithecus appears compared with the Australopithecines, another group of hominid (human-like) creatures from Africa that lived slightly nearer to us in time.
この分野でこの研究チームとは別の研究者たちは、時代的にすこ我々に近い時代に生息していたアフリカの人間のような動物の別のグループであるAustralopithecinesと比べて、Ardipithecus ramidusがいかに原始的であるかに、強い印象を受けた。
One species in particular, Australopithecus afarensis, the famous "Lucy" fossil found in 1974, is very strongly linked into the human story because of its developed walking ability.
For Ardipithecus ramidus to also sit on that direct line seemed to require some rapid evolutionary change, commented Professor Chris Stringer from London's Natural History museum.
"With Australopithecus starting from four million years ago, one would have thought that things would have moved further down the line by 4.4 million years ago," he told BBC News.
"OK, you can have very rapid change, perhaps; or Ardipithecus might be a residual form, a relic of a somewhat older stage of evolution that had carried on. Perhaps we will find something more like Australopithecus at 4.4 million years old somewhere else in Africa."
特に1974年に発見された"Lucu"の化石で知られるAustralopithecus afarensisは、歩行能力を持っていて、人類の進化史に強く関係している。Ardipithecus ramidusが人類への直接の進化経路にのるには、非常に急速な進化が必要だと、ロンドンのNatural History museumのChris Stringer教授はコメントした。「Australopithecusは400万年前に出現したので、それが440万年前からの経路を進んできたと考えるかもしれない。だとするなら、急速な変化が起きているはずだ。Ardipithecus ramidusは古い形態の生き残り、進化の古い段階の何かの名残が生き延びていたのかもしれない。おそらく我々は、アフリカのどこかで、440万年前にAustralopithecusのような何かを見つけるだろう。
[アラビア語版 (コピー), [Google Translation to English]なんというか最小限の改竄で意味を変えてしまおうとした、アルジャジーラのアラビア語版記事執筆者の苦労が読み取れる記事である。とはいえ、事実関係は"だいたいあってる"のだが、何故か"進化論を否定する"証拠になっているという無理筋なもの。創造論絶対優位なイスラム圏では、こういう報道をしないとやっていけないのだろうか。
Saturday, 14/10/1430 e - corresponding to 3/10/2009 (Last updated) at 8:13 pm (Makkah), 5:13 (GMT)
"Shot" challenge the validity of Darwin's theory
U.S. scientists have presented new evidence that Darwin's theory of evolution was a mistake, by exposing an international team of scholars of the human race from Kean University and California State University unveiled the oldest known impact of humans on earth, a skeleton of an Ethiopian-old nearly four million four hundred thousand year called "shot."
米国の科学者がダーウィンの進化論が間違っているという新たな証拠を提示した。これは、University of California, BerkeleyとKent State Universityの人類学者たちの国際チームが地球で既知の最古の、Ardiと呼ばれる440万年前のエチオピアの骨格を明らかにすることによって、示したものである。
The research team announced on Thursday that the discovery of "shot" to prove that human beings did not evolve from ancestors looked like monkeys, chimpanzees, Making the old assumptions so that man evolved from a monkey out.
The researchers wrote in their report journal Science that "shot" one of the ancestors of human beings, and their descendants were not monkeys, chimpanzees or any other type of monkey currently known.
Scientists confirm that the shot may now be the oldest known human ancestors, to be the oldest one million years of "Lucy", which was one of the most important human assets is well known.
A blow to Darwin's theory "Said Dr. Zaghloul El-Naggar professor of geology in a number of Arab universities, that Westerners began returning to their senses after they were dealing with the origin of man in terms of material and the denial of religion.
He said in connection with the island that this scientific discovery, which dealt a heavy blow to Darwin's theory is a very important development.
アラブの大学の地質学のDr. Zaghloul El-Naggar教授は「これはダーウィンの理論に打撃になる。西洋人たちは人類の起源について宗教を否定して、唯物的に取り組んできたが、彼らは正気に戻り始めたようだ。ダーウィンの理論に大きな打撃となったこの科学的発見が重要な発展である」と述べた。
Najjar said that the interview looking for four million years ago, was exaggerated, and expected to be human life on Earth does not exceed four hundred thousand years ago.
On the other hand explained Ovgoi C. Owen, a scientist at the University of Kent, an American specialist in the origin of man, that he made a study of primitive man, known as Ardipithecus ramidus who lived 4.4 million years in Ethiopia.
He said in a study published today in the journal Science, that "people often think people evolved from apes, but that is not true."
He said he "spread the idea that human beings are an upgraded version of the chimpanzee, but a study of primitive man contributed to made sure that no human can evolve from chimpanzees or gorillas."
一方、エチオピアで440万年前に生きていたArdipithecus ramidusと呼ばれる原始的な人間を研究した、人類の起源の米国人専門家であるKent State UniversityのOwen Lovejoy教授は次のように説明した。彼はScience誌掲載論文で「人々は、人間が類人猿から進化してきたと考えがちだが、それは正しくない。人間がチンパンジーのアップグレード版だという考えが広まっているが、原始的な人間の研究から、人間はチンパンジーやゴリラから進化しえないことが確認された」と書いている。
Description of shot: (Ardiについて)
The scientists describe the partial skeleton of a female shot a length of 120 centimeters and weight of fifty kilograms or less, type Ordebiicos Ramaydos who lived 4.4 million years in Ethiopia.
科学者は部分的な女性の骨格"Ardi"を、身長120cmで体重は50kg以下のエチオピアに440万年前に生きていたArdipithecus ramidusと描写している。
He was shot to the head like a monkey head and toes facing allow them to climb trees easily, but her hands and her wrists, and pelvis to show that it has run upright like humans not bending the joints of Alosabap Kalshmbanzi and gorilla.
Said Tim White of the University of California, Berkeley, who helped lead the research team, said "People have a belief that modern chimpanzees did not evolve much, and that the last common ancestor was like a chimpanzee and about birth control is a human that has occurred for each development."
The White and Berhane Osfo of the Rift Valley Research Foundation and a great team analyzed all the bones "shot" has been found, and discovered that it was probably more peaceful compared to a chimpanzee Ba current, maintaining it, for example, do not have those sharp teeth used by chimpanzees in the fray.
なお、米国の福音主義キリスト教徒が、ビッグバンを否定し、地球も宇宙も6000歳だと信じているのに対して、イスラム圏ではHarun Yahyaが撒き散らしている"古い地球の創造論"が主として信じられている。
==>Harun YahyaのAtlas of Creationをながめてみた[1,2,3,4,5,6](2007/10/15-20)
==>Dawkinsのインタビュー on Macleans (2009/09/24)