
Guy ConsolmagnoとDr. Jason Rosenhouse

米国アリゾナ州にあるヴァチカン観測所の Guy Consolmagnoを取り上げ、キリスト教が進化論について少々よろめきつつも科学の擁護者であるという記事がカナダの雑誌に掲載された。

==>Dan Falk: "The Glad Scientist -- A Vatican astronomer explains why science and religion are a match made in heaven" (2009/10) on The Walrus

Guy Consolmagnoは、カトリックの中でも、強くインテリジェントデザインに対抗し、むしろDr. Kenneth Millerよりも理神論よりの有神論的進化論のポジションをとっている...

しかし、このThe Walrusの記事に注目した、James Madison Universityで数学の準教授をつとめるDr. Jason Rosenhouseは、あっさり斬っている:
[Jason Rosenhouse: "Do ID Folks Suffer From Weak Faith?" (2009/10/05) on Evolution Blog]

Via Andrew Sullivan I came across this article, from the Canadian magazine The Walrus, on the subject of science and religion. The article's focus is on Guy Consolmagno, a Jesuit astronomer. It was the article's conclusion that really caught my eye:

Andrew Sullivan経由で、カナダの雑誌The Walrusに掲載された科学と宗教についての記事を読んだ。この記事はイエズス会の天文学者Guy Consolmagnoを取り上げたものだ。この記事の結論で注目したのはこれ:
Consolmagno has little patience for intelligent design. “Science cannot prove God, or disprove Him. He has to be assumed. If people have no other reason to believe in God than that they can't imagine how the human eye could have evolved by itself, then their faith is very weak.” Rather than seeking affirmation of his own faith in the heavens, he explains that religion is what gives him the courage and desire to be a scientist. “Seeing the universe as God's creation means that getting to play in the universe - which is really what a scientist does -- is a way of playing with the Creator,” he says. “It's a religious act. And it's a very joyous act.”

Consolmagnoにはインテリジェントデザインに対する寛容さはほとんどない。「科学は神を証明も否定もできない。神は仮定されなければならないものだ。人々が、人間の眼が進化した方法を思いつかない以外に神を信じる理由を持たないのであれば、彼らの信仰は非常に弱いものだ。」 彼自身の信仰を天上で確認を求めるよりも、彼は宗教が科学者であること勇気づけ、科学者でありたいと思わせるものだと説明した。「宇宙を神の被造物として見ることは、宇宙で遊ぶことを意味する。それはまさに科学者のしていることで、創造主と遊ぶ方法だ。それは宗教行為だ。そしてとても楽しい」と彼は言う。
And if people have no other reason for doing science than the dubious belief that they are playing with God then their commitment to rational inquiry is very weak.


Consolmagno is welcome to assume whatever he wishes, of course. Why, though, this admiration for a strong faith, based on an evidence-free assumption that God exists, as contrasted with a weak faith, based on a rational contemplation of the world? Does that not seem backward to you?

もちろん、Consolmagnoは望むものを仮定してよい。しかし、神が存在するという証拠なき仮定に基づく、強い信仰への賞賛と、世界への合理的な観察に基づく弱い信仰を対比するのか? それは自分にもどっているようだが。

I do not think most ID folks believe in God solely because of the complexity of the eye. Rather, it is that a contemplation of nature reinforces a belief in God already held for other reasons. They are taking seriously Romans 1:20:

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. (NIV)

It is all well and good to say that science can not prove God, but Romans is telling us that contemplating nature makes His existence so obvious that men are without excuse for non-belief.


The reality, though, is that nature puts up one roadblack after another to faith. Christianity tells us that humans are the primary reason for the Creation, but evolution tells us we are just an afterthought of an evolutionary process that did not have us in mind. Christianity tells us that God's nature is one of love and justice, but science tells us that we are the result of billions of years of savage and wasteful evolution by bloodsport.


A lot of clever people with advanced degrees in philosophy and theology, writing at book length, have devised ingenious arguments for why these seeming contradictions may not be fatal to Christianity. The fact remains that having to work so hard just to establish that Christianity is still possible is a far cry from leaving men without excuse.


[Jason Rosenhouse: "Do ID Folks Suffer From Weak Faith?" (2009/10/05) on Evolution Blog]
インテリジェントデザイン支持者の立場はDr. Jason Rosenhouseの指摘するとおりで、眼の複雑さや細菌の鞭毛は信仰強化のネタであっても、中核ではない。また、確かにインテリジェントデザインの父たる法学者Phillip E. Johnsonはローマ人への手紙1章20節をまじめに語っている:
Because in our universal experience unintelligent material processes do not create life, Christian theists know that Romans 1:20 is also true: “Ever since the creation of the world [God’s] eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things that are made.” In other words, there is absolutely no mystery about why living organisms appear to be the products of intelligent creation, and why scientific naturalists have to work so hard to keep themselves from perceiving the obvious. The reason living things give that appearance is that they actually are what they appear to be, and this fact is evident to all who do not cloud their minds with naturalistic philosophy or some comparable drug. The rest of the passage (Romans 1:20-23) is also true: “So they are without excuse; for though they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools; and they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling a mortal human being or birds or four-footed animals or reptiles.” What these words plainly mean is that those who turn away from God and toward naturalistic philosophy give up their minds in the process and end up endorsing sophisticated nonsense and nature worship. (p.108)


[Phillip E. Johnson: "Reason in the Balance"]
インテリジェントデザインがキリスト教信仰であることを、ことあるごとに述べているインテリジェントデザインの父としては普通の記述である。そしてGuy Consolmagnoは、このようなインテリジェントデザインや創造論を「自然現象の原因たる"自然神"」という異教だというポジションをとっている。

しかし、その後、キリスト教信仰と科学を調停しようとするGuy Consolmagnoの主張は「哲学と信仰の上級の学位を持つ賢明な多くの人々が、長い本を書いて、矛盾に見えるこれらがキリスト教にとって致命的ではない理由について独創的な論」というDr. Jason Rosenhouseの指摘するものに該当することも、また正しいだろう。

posted by Kumicit at 2009/10/09 08:24 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Vatican | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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