

If such a gap is filled in by new fossil evidence, this only divides one large gap into several smaller gaps. No matter how many transitional fossils are discovered, the creationists will always have smaller gaps to point to.


[Steven Novella, MD: "Creationists Run Afowl of the Evidence" (January 1999)]

ポケットの なかには
ビスケットが ひとつ
ポケットを たたくと
ビスケットは ふたつ

もひとつ たたくと
ビスケットは みっつ
たたいて みるたび
ビスケットは ふえる

そんな ふしぎな
ポケットが ほしい
そんな ふしぎな
ポケットが ほしい



実際に、そんな創造論者がいるかというと... もちろんいる。それはインテリジェントデザインの本山たるDiscvoery Instituteの法務&お笑い担当のCasey Luskinだ。
In conclusion, this is a fascinating fossil which I'm sure will stir up much debate. But the next time we dig up some fossil of a fin-bound fish (possibly with a few tetrapod-ish characteristics), we'll hear again all about the previously existing big gaps and how Tiktaalik didn't really teach us much after all--but how the new fossil solves all the problems. That's how it usually works, and that makes me wonder where we're really left today. Anyone who thinks that we've found the "missing link" or clear evidence of an evolutionary transition has either forgotten history, or isn't looking very carefully at the evidence.


[Casey Luskin: "For Darwinian Evolution, It’s One Step Forward, Acknowledging Two Steps Back: Taking A Look at Tiktaalik" (2006/04/11)]


==>CC200 Transitional fossils are lacking. [ 中間形態の化石が存在しない]

に対する対抗策として、インテリジェントデザインの父Phillip Johnsonが、"若い地球の創造論者"Dr. Henry M. Morrisの主張を踏襲して主張しているものである。
If all living species descended from common ancestors by an accumulation of tiny steps, then there once must have existed a veritable universe of transitional intermediate forms linking the vastly different organisms of today (e.g., moths, trees, and humans) with their hypothetical common ancestors. From Darwin's time to the present, paleontologists have hoped to find the ancestors and transitional intermediates and trace the course of macroevolution. Despite claims of success in some areas, however, the results have been on the whole disappointing.


[Phillip E Johnson: "Evolution as Dogma: The Establishment of Naturalism"]
ちなみに、この「粉々のビスケット」が見つかるはずだというPhillip Johnsonの主張は、"若い地球の創造論者"Dr. Henry M. Morrisの主張と仲良くMark Isaakの創造論者の主張に収録されている。

==>CC201: We should see smooth change through the fossil record, not gaps. (未訳)

posted by Kumicit at 2009/10/22 01:22 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Creationism | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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