ISKCONとは、1966年にNew Yorkでインド人A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupadaの指導のもとに設立されたヒンズー系の新興宗教である:
[International Society for Krishna Consciousness (wikipedia)]設立者A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada(1896-1977)はカルカッタ生まれで、カルカッタの一流のスコットランド教会大学で教育を受けている。
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), also known as the Hare Krishna movement, is one of the Hindu Vaishnava religious organizations. It was founded in 1966 in New York City by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Its core philosophy is based on traditional Hindu scriptures such as the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam and the Bhagavad-gītā, both of which, according to traditional Hindu view, date back more than 5,000 years.
クリシュナ意識国際協会はハレ・クリシュナ運動という名でも知られる、ヒンズーVaishnava宗教団体である。1966年にNew York市に.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupadaよって設立された。その中心哲学はŚrīmad BhāgavatamやBhagavad-gītāのような伝統的ヒンズー経典に基づく。これらは伝統的ヒンズー教の見方では5000年以上前に書かれたという。
[Colin Groves: "Creationism: The Hindu View" (1994)]ISKCONがどの程度、原理主義なのかはわからないが、少なくとも地球も宇宙も6000歳な"若い地球の創造論"とは相容れなさそう。
Remind ourselves what fundamentalist Hindus believe. Like fundamentalist Christians and Jews, they dismiss evolution. Unlike the latter, who believe the world has existed only six to ten thousand years, fundamentalist Hindus believe it has been going for billions and billions of years - far more than geology allows, in fact. And human beings, and indeed all living creatures, have been here all along. But in the event, it is going to make little difference; an apologia will consist of a recital of long-forgotten (long-suppressed, in their view) "evidence" of humans coeval with trilobites and dinosaurs, and arguments that supposed ape/human intermediates really aren't that at all.
米国では1987年のEdwards v. Aguillard裁判最高裁判決まで、反進化論と言えば"若い地球の創造論"だった。ISKCONが反進化論を掲げようとも、その頃もまでは創造論者たちと行動をともにすることはなかったと思われる。
その後、Edwards v. Aguillard判決を回避し、さらに"若い地球の創造論"と"古い地球の創造論"の両互換なインテリジェントデザインを法学者Phillip Johnsonが提唱する。その狙いはキリスト教創造論者たちにとどまらない。
By controlling the terminology, then, Darwinists have given the world the impression that the significant divide in public opinion about evolution is that between the Genesis literalists and everybody else. This is a sorry misunderstanding. For the fundamental disagreement is not over the age of the earth or the method of creation; it is over whether we owe our existence to a purposeful Creator or a blind materialistic process. The 47 percent in the 1991 Gallup Poll who say that God created suddenly and the 40 percent who say that God created gradually are basically in agreement- in comparison to the 9 percent who say that God did not create at all. When the majority finally understands this, it will become possible to challenge the monopoly of evolutionary naturalism both in the media and the educational system.狙ったとおり、ISKCONはインテリジェントデザイン支持にまわった。たとえば...
[Phillip E. Johnson : "Creator or Blind Watchmaker?", First Things, January 1993]
- Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (2008/12/27)
インテリジェントデザイン宣伝映画Expelledを宣伝 - Top Evolutionist Criticized (2009/09/26)
Richard Dawkinsを攻撃
[Elizabeth Nickson: "God’s two books: Nature and Scripture" (2001/05/05) on National Post (Canada)]しかも、これはインテリジェントデザイン関連記事をDiscovery Instituteが拾って自サイトにコピーを掲載しているだけのもの。存在にも気付いていないようだ。
Intelligent design, because it travels light, is a big tent theory, which has begun to collect around itself such disparate groups as young earth creationists, Hare Krishna, Muslims and Jewish intellectual editors who write for Commentary.[強調追加]
存在感のなさはTalkOriginsにとっても同様のようで、Mark Isaak: "Index to Creationist Claims"(創造論者の主張)でも、項目はたった1個だけ。
==>CJ001. Mankind has existed essentially unchanged for billions of years. (人類は数十億年間、実質的には変化することなく存在してきた)
上にあげた『主バガヴァーン クリシュナ』