それをTodd Woodは自ら語っている。
まず、創造論者Todd Woodは何が信仰ではないかを語る:
Faith is not merely agreement, nor is it an optimistic feeling, nor is it acceptance of something without or against evidence. These are all modern stereotypes of faith that have little to do with real faith.確かに、証拠によって立証された神の存在は"信じるもの"ではなく、ただの事実だ。そして、そうであるなら、信仰は「証拠なく信じる」ことであるはずだ。
Faith is also not just an emotion. Faith can certainly be emtional, but it's not just an emotion. There have been plenty of times that my faith has told me to do something I really don't feel like. And it's not just some guilt feeling either: There have been times I knew by faith that I should do something neither good nor bad but something I still didn't want to do. Figure that one out. Besides, if it was easy or emotionally desirable to be a Christian, lots of people would be Christians.
Faith is also not entirely rational. If Christianity were merely a case of weighing evidence and coming to an inevitable conclusion, witnessing would be a cinch and everyone would be a Christian.
[Todd Wood: "The nature of faith" (2009/10/26) on Todd's Blog]
しかし、創造論者Todd Woodはそうではないと言っている。
It's a kind of conviction that something is true, even though that conviction is not entirely emotional or rational. It's a confidence that the still, small voice I hear speaks the very words of God. It's a certainty born of familiarity with the Creator of the universe. It's just faith.科学的証拠あるいは純粋理性の領域の外側にある証拠、創造論を支持する証拠は、信仰の目を通してのみ見ることができるとTodd Woodは語る。
A truly close Christian walk with Jesus should render evidence irrelevant. ... faith opens your eyes to new evidences that you could not see otherwise. These are not evidences that are irrefutable or purely rational but they are true nonetheless. Any faith that seeks understanding must grapple with these truths. What might seem like minor anomalies or "tiny mysteries" or procedural problems in conventional science become important keys to creationist theories when viewed through the eyes of faith.
イエスの本当に近くを歩むキリスト教徒は、証拠とは無関係であらねばならない。... 信仰は、他の手段では見ることができない新たな証拠に、あなたの目を開く。それらの証拠は有無を言わせぬものでも、純粋に理性的なものでもない。しかし、それは正しい証拠なのだ。理解を探し求める信仰は、これらの真理と向き合わなければならない。信仰の目を通して見たとき、通常科学におけるマイナーな異常や小さなミステリーや手順上の問題が、創造論者の理論にとって、重要なカギとなる。
なんとはなしに、"God of the gaps"詭弁によって、神に到達しようとしているようにも読める。しかし、おそらくそうではないだろう。もし"God of the gaps"詭弁を使うなら、