[Ben Leach: "Boots: 'we sell homeopathic remedies because they sell, not because they work'" (2009/11/26) on Telegraph]おそらく誰もがわかっていながら口にしなかったことに言っちまったPaul Bennett氏。大手チェーンBootsにとってレメディが効くかどうか知ったことではないという"正直"な証言である。
Boots, the high street chain that sells homeopathic remedies, has admitted that the products do not necessarily work.
Paul Bennett, professional standards director for Boots, told a committee of MPs that the pharmacy chain stocks such items for no other reason than that they are popular.
"There is certainly a consumer demand for these products," he said. "I have no evidence to suggest they are efficacious.
"It is about consumer choice for us and a large number of our customers believe they are efficacious."
His comments recall Gerald Ratner's infamous admission in 1991 that one of the gifts sold by his chain of jewellers was "total crap".
Mr Bennett made his comments to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, which is investigating the scientific evidence behind homoeopathy.
Bootsのprofessional standards director(コンプライアンス責任者)であるPaul Bennettは下院委員会で、薬局チェーンがそのような商品を品ぞろえしているのは、それらが人気があるからだと証言した。「これらの商品に対する消費者の需要が間違いなくある。これらの商品が効くことを示す証拠は持っていない。これは消費者の選択であり、我々の非常に多くの顧客は、これらの商品が効くと信じている」
Paul Bennettの証言は、1991年に自分の宝石店チェーンで販売されるギフトのひとつが「まったくのたわごと」だったという、Gerald Ratnerの悪名高い告白を思い起こさせる。Paul Bennett氏は、ホメオパシーを支持する科学的証拠について調査中の、下院科学技術委員会で証言した。
The committee also heard from scientists and doctors who said that giving homeopathic remedies to patients on the NHS is unethical and a dubious use of public money.効かない"薬剤"が販売され、英国で4000万ポンド産業になっている。
The treatments, which are licensed by the government and offered through several NHS hospitals, have insufficient clinical evidence to support them, they said.
"If you prescribe a drug to patients that you know has no efficacy, on a basis which is essentially dishonest with a patient, I personally feel that is unethical," Dr James Thallon, medical director at the NHS West Kent primary care trust told MPs.
「もし効果がないとわかっている薬剤を患者に投与するなら、それは基本的に患者に対する不正直であり、私は個人的には非倫理的だと思う」とNHS West Kent primary care trustの医療責任者Dr. James Thallonは下院で証言した。
[Boots 'labels homeopathy as effective despite lack of evidence'Hannah Devlin (2009/11/25) on Times Onlineレメディに効果があることを証明できないことが前提な法規制としか言いようがない。不誠実なのは大手チェーンBootsだけではなく、こんな法規制を通してしまった議会もだ。
Under regulations introduced in 2006, homeopathic remedies are exempt from a requirement to prove medical efficacy using clinical trials data. While conventional pharmaceutical medicines must demonstrate scientific evidence that a product works, homeopathic cures can be marketed for mild medical conditions if they are shown to be widely accepted as effective by practising homeopaths.