

[Will Stewart: "Mystery solved? Norway's spiral light display 'was down to a failed Russian Bulava missile test'" (2009/12/10) on DailyMail]

New evidence emerged today that a mysterious spiral light display which appeared in the dark skies over Norway yesterday morning was caused by an embarrassing failed test launch of a jinxed Russian missile.

The Bulava missile was test-fired from the Dmitry Donskoi submarine in the White Sea early on Wednesday but failed at the third stage, the Russian military confirmed today.


水曜早くに白海のDmitry Donskoi潜水艦から試射されたBulavaミサイルが第3ステージで失敗したと、ロシア軍が本日、確認した。


New video also emerged today showing a simulation of what would happen if such a missile were to fail - video that bore an uncanny resemblance to the light display seen in the Norwegian sky.

The video, a 3-D simulation of what may have occurred to produce the light display, was put together by a British engineer named Doug Ellison. Ellison runs the forum unmannedspaceflight.com.

On YouTube, Ellison described the video as 'a set of rendered views using 3DS Max to produce a coarse simulation of what may have occurred to produce the beautiful formation in the sky over Norway'.


起きたと思われることによって作られる光の、3次元シミュレーションがDoug Ellisonという英国の技術者によってまとめられた。Ellisonはunmannedspaceflight.comというフォーラムを運営している。

YouTubeで、Ellisonは動画を「ノルウェー上空に美しい光景の形成されたときに起きたと思われるものについての、あらいシミュレーションを3DS Maxを使ってレンダリングした動画」だと述べた。

The confirmation of a test launch emerged despite earlier reports denying a missile launch yesterday.

The military did not confirm, however, that the failed test launch was behind the mysterious spiral lights that have baffled millions since they were spotted - though, as the new video today showed, it appears increasingly likely.



Tromsō Geophysical Observatory researcher Truls Lynne Hansen agreed, saying the missile had likely veered out of control and exploded, and the spiral was light reflecting on the leaking fuel.

Tromso地球物理観測初の研究者Truls Lynn Hansenは、ミサイルはおそらく制御不能になり爆発し、螺旋は漏れた燃料が光を反射したものだろうと述べた。



追記 2009/12/11 Christian Science Monitorの記事:

[After watching the Norway spiral video, a US rocket scientist is convinced it was a missile. That blue plume? "Tiny sapphires," he says. (2009/12/10) on Christian Science Monitor]

The Russian explanation makes the most sense to William Dimpfl, a senior research scientist at the Aeorospace Corporation.

Dr. Dimpfl, whose non-profit conducts missile research for the US Air Force and NASA, and who has carried out research on the way exhaust is emitted from rockets and the space shuttle, says he’s fully convinced that the spiral plume was caused by a man-made missile.

ロシアの説明は、Aerospace CorporationのシニアサイエンティストであるWiliam Dimpflにとっては最も理解できるものだった。Dr. Dimpflの非営利団体は米国空軍およびNASAに対してミサイル研究を実施しており、彼自身はロケットやスペースシャトルからの排気についての研究を行ってきた。Dr. Dimpflは「螺旋状の雲が人間の作ったミサイルによるものと、まったく納得できる」と述べた。


He said after watching the video that he observed no “atmospheric drag” on the event, which implied the missile was higher than 100 kilometers from the earth’s surface – beyond the line between our atmosphere and space. The large, white spiral in the video and images is, in his opinion, “an illuminated solid propellent motor.”



“The blue plume was from a motor that was still attached to the vehicle.” He says the bluish color was from aluminum oxide that is typically added to the solid propellant used for such motors. “What I believe is that the blue is from solar fluorescence from chemicals in the plume. That’s just aluminium oxide that the sunlight is scattering from. Aluminum oxide is the chemical formula for sapphires, so what you’re looking at is sunlight scattering off lots of tiny sapphires.”

posted by Kumicit at 2009/12/11 01:31 | Comment(5) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする
Posted by ROCKY at 2009/12/11 11:49
Posted by Kumicit 管理者コメント at 2009/12/11 13:04
During the 1950s and 60s researchers in the United States developed what is now the standard high-energy solid rocket fuel, Ammonium Perchlorate Composite Propellant (APCP). This mixture is primarily ammonium perchlorate powder (an oxidizer), combined with fine aluminium powder (a fuel), held together in a base of PBAN or HTPB (rubber-like fuels).
Posted by ROCKY at 2009/12/11 19:18
Posted by 名も無き忘却からの帰還者 at 2012/01/19 23:01
Posted by 名も無き忘却からの帰還者 at 2015/03/17 17:07



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