
米国の温暖化否定を概観する (3) 聖書に基づく温暖化否定論

創世記 / 8章 21-22節

創世記 / 9章 8-16節


温暖化否定を聖書で語るJohn Shimkus連邦下院議員

まさに、この創世記の一節を読み上げて、温暖化否定を主張した連邦下院議員がいる。イリノイ州選出共和党John Shimkus連邦下院議員である。
[Congressman: God Decides When ‘The Earth Will End’ (2009/04/04) on forceChange]

This clip shows Congressman John Shimkus’s (R-Ill) introductory remarks at a House Subcommittee on Energy and Environment hearing last week.

このクリップは、イリノイ州選出共和党John Shimkus連邦下院議員が連邦下院エネルギー環境小委員会で最初に述べたものである。

And in this clip, the congressman concludes his inane questioning of British climate change denier Christopher Monckton (and past advocate of forcibly quarantining all people with AIDS for life), by implying that climate change is not a threat because God has already said in the bible that ”the Earth will not be destroyed by a flood.”

そして、このクリップで、下院議員は「洪水が起こって地を滅ぼすことも決してない」という聖書で神が言っているので、気候変動は脅威ではないと示唆して、英国の気候変動否定論者Chrstopher Monckton(かつてのAIDS感染者強制隔離の主張者)に関する彼の愚かな質問をしめくくる。



WHEREAS, The scientific community is divided regarding the extent to which humans are responsible for recent global warming; and


WHEREAS, Many scientists reject the idea of catastrophic human-induced global warming; and


WHEREAS, Sixty international experts in climate and related sciences signed an open letter on April 6, 2006, to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper stating that scientific evidence does not support the computer models of catastrophic human-induced global warming; and

気候および関連分野の世界的専門家60名が、カナダのStephen Harper首相あての2006年4月6日の公開書簡で、科学的証拠は人類に起因する破滅的な地球温暖化のコンピュータモデルを支持しないと述べた。

WHEREAS, The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), while remaining politically active in warning of catastrophic human-induced global warming, has recently altered many of its previous statements, reducing its projections of the magnitude of global warming and its impacts on the world; and


WHEREAS, Many scientists argue that natural causes such as El Niño, alterations in solar energy, solar wind output, cycles of cosmic ray influx, precipitation microphysics, and changes in cloud forcingalong with human-land-use conversion for cities and agricultural use and deforestationare much more significant in climate change than CO2 emissions; and


WHEREAS, Certain areas of the world, where some say warming is most pronounced, were actually much warmer than they are today, like Greenland, which was extensively farmed by the Vikings from around 1000 to 1300 A.D., before colder temperatures made farming virtually impossible for them; and


WHEREAS, Measures to curb global warming, such as those contained in the United Nations-sponsored Kyoto Protocol, are estimated to only reduce the likely rise in the average global temperature by 10 percent or less, from an increase of 2.0o C to 1.9o C by 2100, for example; and


WHEREAS, Some estimate that compliance with Kyoto would cost the global economy from about $200 billion to $1 trillion each year without a policy that would allow for global carbon emissions trading and $75 billion each year even with a worldwide trading scheme; and


WHEREAS, Large developing countries such as China, India, and Brazil are currently exempt from Kyoto; and


WHEREAS, Exempting emerging economies like China, India, and Brazil from CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions reductions would significantly undermine the minute effect on average global temperature gained through reductions by developed nations; and


WHEREAS, Forcing developing countries to comply with Kyoto will significantly inhibit their economic development and the development of the international economy; and


WHEREAS, Proposed carbon offset programs will have little impact on reducing rising temperatures if human activity is not a significant cause of recent global warming; and


WHEREAS, Some are proposing that a maximum acceptable global temperature increase should serve as the guideline for determining reductions in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions; and


WHEREAS, Businesses and municipalities will likely pass along the cost of emissions reduction programs to consumers, driving up the cost of goods and services; and


WHEREAS, Poor people and underdeveloped regions of the world will be impacted the most severely by higher costs; and


WHEREAS, The poor and most vulnerable people around the world are faced with many more quantifiable, immediate, devastating problems; now, therefore, be it


RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in San Antonio, Texas, June 12-13, 2007, urge Southern Baptists to proceed cautiously in the human-induced global warming debate in light of conflicting scientific research; and be it further

2007年6月12-13日のテキサス州San Antonioでの南部バプテスト連盟へのメッセンジャーは、南部バプテストに対して、相矛盾する科学研究という観点から人類に起因する地球温暖化論争について慎重に続行するように要請する。

RESOLVED, That we consider proposals to regulate CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions based on a maximum acceptable global temperature goal to be very dangerous, since attempts to meet the goal could lead to a succession of mandates of deeper cuts in emissions, which may have no appreciable effect if humans are not the principal cause of global warming, and could lead to major economic hardships on a worldwide scale; and be it further


RESOLVED, That we urge Congress and the president to only support cost-effective measures to reduce CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions and to reject government-mandated reductions in greenhouse gas emissions; and be it further


RESOLVED, That we urge governments to begin to take steps to help protect vulnerable communities and regions from the effects of the inevitable continued cycles of warming and cooling that have occurred throughout geologic history; and be it further


RESOLVED, That we strongly request that all public policy decision makers ensure an appropriate balance between care for the environment, effects on economies, and impacts on the poor when considering programs to reduce CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions; and be it further




Northbridge Baptist Churchはこんなことを言っている:
“This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and EVERY LIVING CREATURE with you ... NEVER AGAIN will the waters BECOME A FLOOD to destroy all life.” Genesis 9:12-15



So, hopefully, this clarifies for you the basic problem and suggested “fixes” of Global Warming that we hear so much about. Next week we will look into the IPCC’s findings to see if they really are “unbiased” and “based” on irrefutable science. We will also review the “real” motives behind the IPCC’s recommendations to solve this “proclaimed” problem.


Until then, keep in mind that a Christian should NEVER TRUST a person or a group that suggests that the world could be destroyed by floods again (Gen 9:12-15). Also, we should never join up with anyone who recommends supporting a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, nor a plan to solve a problem through HUMAN MEANS ALONE! For Jesus clearly has said: “... apart from ME, you can do NOTHING.” (John 15:5c) - Pastor Louis

あるいは、Thomas Road Baptist Churchは素直に聖書を掲げる:
While the debate over global warming should be based solely on science, it has in fact become little more than a political time bomb. In this message, I will deal with both the scientific and the political aspects of the issue… but I will take it to a higher level… the Biblical perspective.


What does the Bible say about a global warming catastrophe that will melt the glaciers, raise the sea levels to horrific destructive heights and eliminate the four seasons beyond any recognizable difference.


Psalm 24:1-2, “The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. 2 For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.”

詩編24編1-2節「地とそこに満ちるもの/世界とそこに住むものは、主のもの。 主は、大海の上に地の基を置き/潮の流れの上に世界を築かれた。」

Genesis 8:22, “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”


In recent years, since Al Gore invented the internet and helped invent global warming, our world has been in turmoil. The internet turned out to be “a very good thing” and, when used properly, is a great asset to humanity.

近年、Al Goreがインターネットを発明し、地球温暖化を発明するのを手伝った時から、我々の世界は混乱の中にあった。インターネットは「非常に良いもの」であることがわかり、きちんと使われれば、人類にとっての非常に有益である。

The endless hysteria and alarmism over alleged global warming has increasingly become a national and international nuisance and loses credibility with every passing day. The entire myth has little to do with science and much to do with politics.



posted by Kumicit at 2009/12/13 17:16 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Sound Science | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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