
2009年のDr SI Akasofu

Dr. SI Akasofuの温暖化否定論(自然の変動)を取り上げてから2年が経過した。

==>SI Akasofu:"Notes on Climate Change"を読んでみた (2007/12/31)

それ以後、Univ of AlaskaにあるDr. SI Akasofuのサイトも、それなりにアップデートされている。そこで、新ネタを見ておくことにする。


==>SI Akasofu: "The Big Ice Age or The Big Steamy Age?" (2009/06/03)

ここでは、Dr. SI Akasofuは過去50万年の気温変動グラフのベースラインをずらしてみる:
Figure 1. During the last 500,000 years, we had four successive Big Ice Ages (painted blue) and the intervening interglacial periods (painted red). The original figure in Muller and MacDonald (2000) has a black and white format.

Figure 2. Big Steamy Age temperature changes, assuming that the warming (including the interglacial changes) occurs impulsively. The positive deviation from the baseline value (+5°C) is painted red. The original figure in Muller and MacDonald (2000) has a black and white format.

Muller, R.A. and G.J. MacDonald. 2000. Ice Ages and Astronomical Causes: Data, Spectral Analysis and Mechanisms. New York: Springer.

[SI Akasofu: "The Big Ice Age or The Big Steamy Age?" (2009/06/03)]
Figure 3. Schematic illustration of the heat input (red) and the cooling of the earth (blue).

The two views of temperature changes during the last 500,000 years are quite different. The former view seeks processes as to why the earth experiences cooling from the normal condition, namely why the cooling process begins. In the new view, an important question becomes why the warming process is impulsive and short-lived, rather than why the recovery from cooling is so sudden. The former view considers why the earth tries to recover abruptly from the abnormally cold condition. A new question is how the earth can respond to the heat input so quickly. In the new view, the development of the BIAs becomes simply relaxation from the impulsive warming; the earth cannot maintain the warm condition produced by the impulsive warming process. The time constant of the cooling after heating is about 70,000 years.


[SI Akasofu: "The Big Ice Age or The Big Steamy Age?" (2009/06/03)]
時間スケールは全然違うけどSudden Commencementとかのノリが感じられる地球電磁気なテイストのアイデアである。気候モデルをスパコンでぶんまわす前の時代なら、違和感なく通るかもしれない。



==>SI Akasofu: "Global Temperature Changes During the Last Millennium and the Prediction for 2100" (2009/05/18)

Figure 6. This figure shows that the linear trend between 1880 and 2000 is a continuation of recovery from the LIA. It also shows the temperature rise predicted by the IPCC after 2000. Another possibility is also shown, in which the recovery from the LIA would continue to 2100, together with the superposed multi-decadal oscillation. This possible progress beyond the peak of the oscillation could explain the halting of the warming after 2000. The observed temperature in 2008 is shown by a red dot with a green arrow.

Figure 15b: Figure 15b is the same as Figure 2a, except that the last part of the multi-decadal oscillation after 1975 is emphasized by a thick red line.


==>SI Akasofu: "Two Natural Components of the Recent Climate Change: (1) The Recovery from the Little Ice Age (A Possible Cause of Global Warming) and (2) The Multi-decadal Oscillation (The Recent Halting of the Warming)" (2009/04/30)

The recent rapid retreat of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean, particularly in 2007, was partly caused by the inflow of relatively warm waters of the North Atlantic (Karcher et al., 2003; Polyakov, 2006) and North Pacific (Shimada and Kamoshida, 2008) into the Arctic Ocean and also by the effects of winds (Wong et al., 2009) and currents. Figures 12a and 12b show results of an ocean temperature monitoring effort by an international group led by the International Arctic Research Center. It was shown by Polyakov (2006) that this inflow is a quasi-periodic phenomenon, as shown in Figure 12c. This warm water was melting sea ice from the bottom until 2007, but sea temperature in 2008 was significantly colder than in 2007 (Polyakov, 2008). Thin ice tends to break up easily in stormy water and is then easily forced to flow by winds and currents. This was exactly what happened in the fall of 2007. The wind pattern in 2007 and 2008 was different (Zhang et al., 2008). Some researchers expected further shrinking in 2008, but the area increased by about 7% compared with that of 2007 (Muskett, 2008).

Polyakov, I. (2006), private communication.
Polyakov, I.V., G.V. Alekseev, R.V. Bekryaev, U. Bhatt, R.L. Colony, M.A. Johnson, V.P. Karklin, A.P. Makshtas, D. Walsh, and A.V. Yulin (2002), Observationally based assessment of polar amplification of global warming, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(18), 1878.

Figure 12a: Inflow of warm North Atlantic water into the Arctic Ocean (Polyakov, 2006).

Figure 12b: Changes of seawater temperature at two locations in the Arctic Ocean in the Laptev Sea. The warm water from the North Atlantic Ocean is flowing deeply into the Arctic Ocean (Polyakov et al., 2007).

ちなみに、Dr. SI Akasofuは現役時代に、共和党アラスカ選出Ted Stevens連邦上院議員と連携してUniv of Alaskaに2億ドル近い研究資金をもたらしている。このTed Stevens連邦上院議員はもとは温暖化否定の立場(人間起源の温暖化否定)をとっていたが、2007年2月にはそれを撤回するも、2007年9月には自然の変動という発言をしている。このあたりは、Dr. SI Akasofuの影響かもしれない。

なお、Ted Stevens氏は2009年1月で連邦上院議員を引退しており、今後はDr. SI Akasofuとの関連でUniv of Alaskaに研究資金を持ってくるのは難しくなると思われる。

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