


==>ウガンダの最高刑死刑な反ゲイ法案の背後に米国の福音主義団体 (2009/10/29)

A new bill proposed by a Ugandan MP calls for gay people to be jailed for life or sentenced to death.


Sweden has said it would withdraw the £31m of aid it gives to Uganda each year if the proposal becomes law.


But the assembly government said its £75,000 is to help people in the region of Mbale, not the Ugandan government.

しかし、Welsh Assembly Governmentは7万5000ポンドはMbale地方の人々を支援するものであって、ウガンダ政府を支援するものではないと述べた。

[Welsh aid for Uganda despite gay death penalty plan (2009/12/23) on BBC]
The U.S. State Department's top Africa diplomat says approval by Uganda's parliament of a bill criminalizing homosexual activity would harm that country's world image and undercut the fight against HIV/AIDS. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson discussed the issue Friday with leaders of U.S. gay and lesbian groups concerned about the legislation pending in Kampala.

米国国務省アフリカ外交責任者は、ウガンダ議会が同性愛行動を非合法化する法案が成立した場合、ウガンダの国際イメージを傷つけ、HIV/AIDSとの戦いに悪影響が出るだろうと述べた。アフリカ外交担当Johnnie Carson国務次官補は、ウガンダ議会で審議中の法案を憂慮する米国のゲイ・レズビアン団体と金曜日に討議した。


Carson said he has spoken directly with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni twice about the pending bill, most recently early this month when the Ugandan leader transited the United States after attending the Commonwealth Summit in Trinidad and Tobago.

Carson国務次官補はウガンダのYoweri Museveni大統領と直接2回にわたり、審議中の法案について会話した。直近ではウガンダ大統領が、今月初め(2009/12)のトリニダード・トバゴでの英連邦サミットに参加する際に米国に立ち寄ったときだった。


Carson said President Museveni, in contacts with U.S. officials, has distanced himself and his party from the legislation, and said he is concerned about its contents and implications.

He noted that Mr. Museveni is empowered to veto legislation from parliament and said the United States is urging him to let his principles guide him and do everything he can to see it that it does not become law.


Carson also said the United States has not threatened Uganda with aid cuts or other punitive steps despite its concern about the issue. "We're not making any threats at this point. We think that it is in Uganda's interest to do the right thing on this legislation. President Museveni and his foreign minister know our concerns about it. We hope that they will exercise leadership in insuring that this legislation is not passed," he said.


[US Says Anti-Gay Law Would Harm Uganda's Global Image (2009/12/19) on VoA]

A Ugandan government minister has said that a proposed law which includes the death penalty for some homosexual acts is "not necessary".


Aston Kajara, minister of state for investments, added that the government might put pressure on the MP behind the Anti-Homosexuality Bill to withdraw it.

Aston Kajara投資相は政府が議会に対して、反同性愛法案を撤回するように議会に圧力をかけるかもしれないと述べた。

[Uganda minister says gay death penalty 'unnecessary' (2010/01/08) on BBC]

KAMPALA, Uganda ― Last March, three American evangelical Christians, whose teachings about “curing” homosexuals have been widely discredited in the United States, arrived here in Uganda’s capital to give a series of talks.

The theme of the event, according to Stephen Langa, its Ugandan organizer, was “the gay agenda ― that whole hidden and dark agenda” ― and the threat homosexuals posed to Bible-based values and the traditional African family.


イベントのテーマはウガンダ側のオーガナイザーStephen Langaによれば、「ゲイのアジェンダ、隠されたダークなアジェンダと、聖書を基盤とする価値観および伝統的アフリカの家族に対する同性愛の脅威」だった。

For three days, according to participants and audio recordings, thousands of Ugandans, including police officers, teachers and national politicians, listened raptly to the Americans, who were presented as experts on homosexuality. The visitors discussed how to make gay people straight, how gay men often sodomized teenage boys and how “the gay movement is an evil institution” whose goal is “to defeat the marriage-based society and replace it with a culture of sexual promiscuity.”


Now the three Americans are finding themselves on the defensive, saying they had no intention of helping stoke the kind of anger that could lead to what came next: a bill to impose a death sentence for homosexual behavior.


One month after the conference, a previously unknown Ugandan politician, who boasts of having evangelical friends in the American government, introduced the Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009, which threatens to hang homosexuals, and, as a result, has put Uganda on a collision course with Western nations.


[JEFFREY GETTLEMAN: "Americans’ Role Seen in Uganda Anti-Gay Push (2010/01/03) on NY Times]
The three Americans who spoke at the conference ― Scott Lively, a missionary who has written several books against homosexuality, including “7 Steps to Recruit-Proof Your Child”; Caleb Lee Brundidge, a self-described former gay man who leads “healing seminars”; and Don Schmierer, a board member of Exodus International, whose mission is “mobilizing the body of Christ to minister grace and truth to a world impacted by homosexuality” ― are now trying to distance themselves from the bill.

イベントで講演した3人の米国人は、「あなたの子供を陸軍新兵にする7ステップ」など同性愛に化する本を書いたScott Liveryと、自称元ゲイで"ゲイ治療セミナー"を指導するCaleb Lee Brundidgeと、同性愛の影響を受ける世界に優美と真理を広めるためにキリスト教団体を動員することをミッションとする"Exodus International"の理事である Don Schmiererで、彼らは今や法案から距離をとろうとしている。

“I feel duped,” Mr. Schmierer said, arguing that he had been invited to speak on “parenting skills” for families with gay children. He acknowledged telling audiences how homosexuals could be converted into heterosexuals, but he said he had no idea some Ugandans were contemplating the death penalty for homosexuality.

“That’s horrible, absolutely horrible,” he said. “Some of the nicest people I have ever met are gay people.”


[JEFFREY GETTLEMAN: "Americans’ Role Seen in Uganda Anti-Gay Push (2010/01/03) on NY Times]
全力回避行動中のScott Livelyは、イベントがあった2009年3月に次のように書いていた。
And remember that homosexuality is literally illegal in this country. Imagine how bad things would be if the criminal law were abandoned. By the way, the false accusation against me, now circulating in the US, is that I called on the Ugandan government to force homosexuals into therapy. What I actually said is that the law against homosexuality should be liberalized to give arrestees the choice of therapy instead of imprisonment, similar to the therapy option I chose after being arrested for drunk driving in 1985 (during which time I accepted the Lord and was healed and transformed into a Christian activist).



On the positive side, my host and ministry partner in Kampala, Stephen Langa, was overjoyed with the results of our efforts and predicted confidently that the coming weeks would see significant improvement in the moral climate of the nation, and a massive increase in pro-family activism in every social sphere. He said that a respected observer of society in Kampala had told him that our campaign was like a nuclear bomb against the "gay" agenda in Uganda. I pray that this, and the predictions, are true.

良い面として、私を招待した、KampalaでのミニストリのパートナーでもあるStephen Langaは、我々の努力を喜び、自信を持って、ウガンダの倫理の雰囲気が今後数週間で大きく改善し、社会のあらゆるところに家族を優先する活動が大きく増えることを予言した。彼は、Kamplaの社会の敬意を払われているオブザーバーから、我々の運動がウガンダでゲイのアジェンダに対して核爆弾のようなものだと告げられた。私はこれと、予言が真実になるように祈る。

[Dr. Scott Lively: " Report from Uganda (2009/03/17)]
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