

Daniel C DennetのWashington Post - On Faithの不定期連載で、こんなのが...
Q: Many have criticized Pat Robertson's suggestion that the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti was the work of the devil or a form of divine punishment. But if one believes God is good and intervenes in the world, why does God allow innocents to suffer? What is the best scriptural text or explanation of that problem you've ever read?

ハイチ大地震は悪魔の仕業か、神による懲罰だというPat Robertsonを多くの人が批判しています。しかし、もし神が良きものであり、世界に介入しているなら、神はなぜ罪なき人が苦しみのを見て見ぬふりをしているのでしょうか?聖書の記述や説明で、もっとも良く説明しているものは何でしょうか?

One of the striking differences between modern, "organized" religion and tribal or folk religions--religions without seminaries and theologians and official books--is that in tribal religions they have no double standard! They thank their gods for the good stuff that happens and blame them for the bad. The idea that God is a worthy recipient of our gratitude for the blessings of life but should not be held accountable for the disasters is a transparently disingenuous innovation of the theologians. And of course it doesn't work all that well. The Problem of Evil, capital letters and all, is the central enigma confronting theists. There is no solution. Isn't that obvious? All the holy texts and interpretations that contrive ways of getting around the problem read like the fine print in a fraudulent contract--and for the same reason: they are desperate attempts to conceal the implications of the double standard they have invented.


[DANIEL C. DENNETT: "Problem of evil and religion's double standard" (2010/01/19) on Washington Post - On Faith]

posted by Kumicit at 2010/01/26 07:45 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Skeptic | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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