I received a complaint from a listener to my "Focal Point" radio program, complaining that I had suggested that it is appropriate to impose legal sanctions on those who engage in homosexual behavior. Here is my response. The individual's name was not attached to the email, so I wasn't able to address him by name.さすがに、「ゲイセックスは死刑」なレビ記20章13節「女と寝るように男と寝る者は、両者共にいとうべきことをしたのであり、必ず死刑に処せられる。彼らの行為は死罪に当たる。 」の勢いはないようだ。
私はリスナーから私のラジオ番組"Focal Point"に対して、ホモセクシュアル行動をしている人々に対して法的処罰を加えることが適切だと提唱したことに対する抗議を受けた。これが回答だ。抗議のメールには個人名がなかったので、宛先は書けない。
Hi! やあ
Thanks for writing me about my comments on my program regarding homosexuality.
It might be worth noting that what I actually suggested is that we impose the same sanctions on those who engage in homosexual behavior as we do on those who engage in intravenous drug abuse, since both pose the same kind of risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. I'd be curious to know what you think should be done with IV drug abusers, because whatever it is, I think the same response should be made to those who engage in homosexual behavior.
If you believe that what drug abusers need is to go into an effective detox program, then we should likewise put active homosexuals through an effective reparative therapy program.
Secondly, I'm afraid you're simply wrong about the Bible's perspective on the law and homosexuality.
Paul lists quite explicitly in 1 Timothy 1:8-11 the actions and behaviors that are the proper concern of the law:
"Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine..."
The bottom line here is that, biblically, those "who practice homosexuality" should come under the purview of the law just as much as those who take people captive in order to sell them into slavery.
You express a belief in the Scriptures, and I trust your confidence in Scripture is not selective. If you believe all Scripture is inspired, then you are compelled to accept that legal sanctions may appropriately be applied to those who engage in homosexual behavior.
Thank you for contacting us, and I hope this response will help you think in a thorough and biblical way about this important social issue.
Bryan Fischer
Host, "Focal Point" radio program on AFR Talk, a division of the American Family Association
[Bryan Fischer-Focal Point: "Legal Sanctions for Homosexual Behavior" (2010/01/29) on america family association]
==>ウガンダの最高刑死刑な反ゲイ法案の背後に米国の福音主義団体 (2009/10/29)
==>ウガンダのゲイ死刑法案から退避行動をとる米国福音主義者たち (2010/01/10)
ちなみに、PZ Myers準教授のツッコミは...:
His analogy is so powerful that I think we ought to take all the heterosexuals who carry sexually transmitted diseases and subject them to sex aversion therapy
[PZ Myers: "Aren't they cute when they unashamedly reveal their plans?" (2010/02/01) on Pharyngula]