... The letter to the MHRA sets out the many points of concern that we feel are serious enough to warrant complaint, of which some are:なお、詳細については、MHRA精査中につき公開されていない。
5 specific, detailed complaints regarding the description and marketing language used for particular products available on the Boots website which we feel are in contravention of the UK National Rules Scheme and The Medicines (Advertising) Regulations 1994.
10 stated objections to the description of homeopathy and homeopathic remedies in the treatment of specific conditions, potentially contravening The Medicines (Advertising) Regulations 1994.
10 further complaints with regard to the claims made for homeopathic remedies generally.
A complaint in the manner in which supposedly medicinal products are being marketed and sold, potentially contravening The Medicines (Advertising) Regulations 1994. ...
[Boots And The MHRA (2010/02/02)]
Chemist and Druggistによれば、Bootsはこの申し立て後に、該当するコンテンツを削除した。ただし、Bootsは定期的なコンテンツ見直しよるものだと述べている:
Boots responded with a statement: “Bootslearningstore.com is our educational website for schools and does not support the sale of any specific products. Therefore the information on the site does not breach any advertising laws.”Bootsは、通販サイトにはホメオパシーレメディの効能を書かないが、別のサイトに効能を書くという方法で合法だと主張したが、あっさり問題のコンテンツは引っ込めた。
The products cited by the group were “correctly and legally labelled” and sold in accordance with MHRA regulations, the spokeswoman added.
The MHRA confirmed it had received the letter and was dealing with it, but stressed it was looking into a complaint and no investigation had been launched.
Since the complaint to the MHRA, a section of the Boots Learning Centre website outlining the use of homeopathy has been removed. However, the spokeswoman said the information had been taken down by Boots “as part of our regular review of the site” as it had been designed to support a course that ended in 2009.
MHRAへの申し立て後、Boote Learning Centreサイトのホメオパシーの利用を概説した部分が削除された。しかし、Bootsの広報担当は2009年で終了するようにコースをつくってあったので「定期的なサイト見直しでコンテンツを取り下げた」と述べた。
[Chris Chapman: "BOOTS WEBSITE UNDER FIRE FOR HOMEOPATHY DETAILS" (2010/02/11) on Chemist and Druggist]