

HAARETZ.COM(via NCSE)によれば、イスラエル教育省のチーフサイエンティストであるDr. Gavriel Avitalが反進化論と温暖化否定論をぶちあげて問題視されている。進化論については以下のような発言・記述がある:
"If textbooks state explicitly that human beings' origins are to be found with monkeys, I would want students to pursue and grapple with other opinions. There are many people who don't believe the evolutionary account is correct," Avital said yesterday.

"There are those for whom evolution is a religion and are unwilling to hear about anything else. Part of my responsibility, in light of my position with the Education Ministry, is to examine textbooks and curricula," he said. "If they keep writing in textbooks that the Earth is growing warmer because of carbon dioxide emissions, I'll insist that isn't the case."



Prior to his appointment, Avital said in a video interview with Machon Meir, a religious-Zionist Jewish studies institute, "Another scientific field that is problematic is biology, or life and environmental sciences. When your doctrine is based on Darwin's theory of evolution and its implications, you are standing on unreliable foundations - that is, there is no God, there was only something primeval, and then there are certain random developments which led to the apex of all creation, the human being. "

指名を受ける前にAvitalは、宗教的シオニストユダヤ研究機関Machon Meirのビデオインタビューで次のように述べていた。「もうひとつの問題のある科学分野は生物学、あるいは生命と環境の科学である。ダーウィンの進化論とその意味するところに政策の基礎を置くなら、信頼できない基盤の上に立っていることになる。すなわち神が存在せず、何らかの原始的なもののみが存在し、なんらかのランダムな発展があって、創造の極致たる人類につながったというものだ。」

[Or Kashti and Zafrir Rinat: "Scientists irate after top education official questions evolution" (2010/02/21) on HAARETZ.com]
Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar (Likud) appointed Avital the ministry's chief scientist three months ago. Avital, who received bachelor's and advanced degrees from Haifa's Technion Institute of Technology, previously directed the aeromechanical arm of electronic-systems manufacturer Elbit.

Avital is the ministry's first chief scientist to be drawn from outside the community of education scholars. A 20-year Likud member, he represented the party in an unsuccessful 2006 Knesset run.

Gideon Sa'ar教育相(リクード)は3か月前にAvitalをチーフサイエンティストに指名した。Avitalは学部卒業及び学位取得はHaifa's Technion Institute of Technologyで、エレクトロニクスシステム製造会社Elbitの航空メカニカル部門長だった。


[Or Kashti and Zafrir Rinat: "Scientists irate after top education official questions evolution" (2010/02/21) on HAARETZ.com]
イスラムはHarun Yahyaの古い地球の創造論が有力だが、このAvitalチーフサイエンティストは仲良く古い地球の創造論者か、それとも米国よりの若い地球の創造論者か、どっちかな。
posted by Kumicit at 2010/02/23 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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