


[Government tells army, stop using GT200 (2010/02/23) on Bangkok Post
The cabinet on Tuesday assigned the Science and Technology Ministry and security units to send teams to the southern border provinces as soon as possible to tell field units why they should stop using the GT200 explosives detector, and to look for a replacement, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said.

He said the ministry's teams will exchange opinions with field units in order to decide what should be used in place of the GT200 until a proper replacement is available.

内閣は火曜日にGT200爆発物検知器の使用を取りやめる理由の説明と代替方法の模索のために、南部辺境地帯に派遣する科学技術省のセキュリティユニットを任命したと、Abhisit Vejjajiva首相が述べた。首相は「適切な代替手段が使えるようになるまで、どうすべきかを判断するために、科学技術省のチームが実働部隊と意見交換する。」と述べた。

Army chief-of-staff Gen Pirun Paewpolsong said the two soldiers injured by the explosion in Pattani's Khok Pho district on Monday morning had not used the GT200 to scan the area as was widely reported.

The army was ready to comply with government policy, Gen Pirun said.

Priun paewpolsong陸軍参謀長は「兵士2名が負傷したPattaniのKhok Pho地区での月曜朝の爆発事件ではGT200でスキャンしていなかった。陸軍は政府の政策に従がう」と述べた。


[Disputed UK-made bomb detector to stay in service in Iraq -- Iraqi investigation concluded hand-held gadgets should not be withdrawn (2010/02/23) on guardian]
An Iraqi investigation into a reportedly ineffectual hand-held bomb detector has concluded that the gadgets should not be discarded.

The survey, ordered by Nouri al-Maliki, the prime minister, found the British device, known as ADE651, generally worked. However some of the gadgets, found to be ineff ective, would be replaced.

A government spokesman later said only 50% of the devices worked.

有効性がないと報道された携帯爆発物検出器についてイラクは調査し、この検出器を破棄すべきではないと結論した。Nouri al-Maliki首相の指示による調査で、ADE651としてい知られる英国製品はおおよそ動作すると判明した。しかし、装置のいくつかは機能しておらず、交換の必要がある。あとで、政府報道官[Ali al-Dabbagh]は装置の50%が機能したと述べた。

[Iraq backs British bomb detection device after huge blasts (2010/02/23) on World Bulletin]

Dabbagh, speaking after an investigation into the devices, said Iraq would pursue those behind faulty or fake devices.

"Those who took part in purchasing, importing and receiving of the fake and non-functioning devices will be investigated and sued, and the manufacturing company will be pursued."

It was unclear whether Iraq bought ADE651 devices from just one source or several sources, and whether it had bought similar devices from other firms.

Ali al-Dabbagh政府報道官は装置の調査後、イラクは欠陥のあるものやフェイクなものに関与した者を調査すると述べた。「フェイクや機能しない装置の調達・輸入・受理に関与した者たちを捜査し、訴追する。製造元も訴追する。」
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