

[DAVE MONTGOMERY: "Conservatives prevail in vote on Texas school curriculum" (2010/03/13) on Miam Herald]

The board Thursday rejected a proposed standard that would have required teachers to examine the Founding Fathers' reasons for prohibiting the government from favoring one religion over another. Conservatives also prevailed on an amendment aimed at instructing students on the dangers of over-regulation on industry.


[Breaking crazy!: The Texas Board of Education re-writes history for the Right (2010/03/13) on Zeutgeisty Report]

- The Board removed Thomas Jefferson from the Texas curriculum’s world history standards on Enlightenment thinking, “replacing him with religious right icon John Calvin.”

- “Teachers in Texas will be required to cover the Judeo-Christian influences of the nation’s Founding Fathers, but not highlight the philosophical rationale for the separation of church and state.”

- “Board members also rejected requiring history teachers and textbooks to provide coverage on the late U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy and new Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, while the late President Ronald Reagan was elevated to more prominent coverage.”

テキサス州教育委員会は啓蒙思想についてのテキサス州カリキュラム世界史基準からトマス・ジャファーソンを削除し、宗教右翼が偶像視するJohn Calvinを入れた。


テキサス州教育委員会は、歴史の教師および教科書に、Edward Kennedy連邦上院議員および最高裁判所長官Sonia Sotomayorについての記載を義務付ける案を却下し、Ronald Reagan大統領について評価を高めることを求めた。
[Krysten Hughes: "Texas Board Of Education Declare Hip Hop Is Not A Cultural Movement" (2010/03/13) on HipHopDx]

One of the subjects debated amongst the lawyers, dentists and publishers, who make up the board, was whether or not Hip Hop should be taught as a cultural movement. According to the Huffington Post, right wing members voted that Hip Hop should be deleted as a requirement and that students should not be taught about its cultural impact across not only the United States, but the world.

州教育委員会を構成する弁護士と歯科医と出版業者たちが議論した話題のひとつに、カルチャームーブメントとしてヒップホップを教えるか否かがあった。Huffington Postによれば右翼委員たちは、必須項目からヒップホップを削除し、米国および世界に対する文化的インパクトを生徒に教えるべきでないと議決した。

[DAVE MONTGOMERY: "Conservatives prevail in vote on Texas school curriculum" (2010/03/10) on Miam Herald]
Bob Craig, R-Lubbock, who voted for the curriculum, acknowledged that "there is still work to be done."

このカリキュラムに賛成した共和党Lubbock選出Bob Craig州教育委員は、「まだまだやることがある」と述べた。
[Suzanne Venker: "Texas Conservatives Balance the Curriculum" (2010/03/13) ]

Too many Americans are unaware of the liberal bias in modern textbooks.

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