"Alzheimer's disease is the largest thief of retirement" said Chris Cooper, president of Chris Cooper & Company, Inc. and ElderCare Advocates, Inc. "It is a slowly progressing disease, leaving the person oftentimes with good physical health and less mental faculties to use this good physical health."この傾向は、アルツハイマー型認知症に限られる問題ではない。
「アルツハイマー型認知症は引退後の最大の泥棒だ。ゆっくり進行する病気であり、患者たちの身体的には健康なままであることが多い。そして、病んだ精神で健康な身体を使うことになる」とChris Cooper & Company, Inc.及びElderCare Advocates, IncのChris Cooper社長は言う。
Americans are often diagnosed with Alzheimer's in their late 60s and 70s, but it can and does occur earlier. And, Cooper said, many Americans fail to plan for the disease. "When confronted with the diagnosis, families often scramble for information and begin to engage in different forms of 'quackery,'" said Cooper, who is a former president of the Ohio Council of the Alzheimer's Association and whose maternal grandmother had Alzheimer's disease.
米国人は60歳代および70歳代にアルツハイマー型認知症と診断されるが、もっと若い場合もある。そして、Ohio Council of the Alzheimer's Associationの代表だったこともあるCooperは「多くの米国人はこの病気の準備ができていない。アルツハイマー型認知症の診断に直面して、家族はあわてて情報をかき集め、幾つかの形のニセ医療にかかわり始める。」と述べた。
To Cooper, the quackery usually takes three forms: medical, financial and legal. People might pursue medical treatments that have not been proven to work, and many times are harmful, he said. And they might try to do things with legal and financial instruments, he said, "all in the name of 'fear of running out of money' and 'the only way to get the government to pay for my parent's nursing-home care.'"
[Robert Powell:"Two major barriers to your retirement plans" (2010/03/19) on MarketWatch]
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