で、まずは、大気電気系の専門家であるNiels Jonassenによる概論を4分割で紹介する:
Niels Jonassen: "Are Ions Good for You?"
Mr. Static explores the reputed physiological effects of ions.
About a hundred years ago, it appeared as if all the important discoveries in physics happened almost simultaneously. For example, Wilhelm Rontgen discovered and developed x-rays, and Henri Becquerel and the Curies discovered radioactivity. It was soon realized that both phenomena had effects that could be put to very important use in industry, medicine, and other scientific fields.
However, the discoverers themselves were not aware that exposure to these phenomena could pose a health hazard. Rontgen is known to have looked directly into an x-ray beam to determine whether it had any effect on the eye, Becquerel always wore a lump of pitchblende in his waistcoat pocket, and Marie Curie developed radiation damage to her hands from handling radium.
Although x-rays and radioactivity have many similarities, they are obviously very different in nature. X-rays, being associated with accelerated electrons impinging on certain metals in vacuum, are not natural phenomena, whereas radioactive processes have taken place since the first day.
It is also interesting that the common by-products (i.e., atmospheric ions or air ions) of both processes when taking place in atmospheric air were not recognized until about the same time as the discoveries of x-rays and radioactivity. It could be speculated that the cause must be known before the effect can be discovered, but this is not so. The existence of atmospheric ions could very well have been predicted a century earlier. In 1796, Coulomb had already observed that an insulated charged body would gradually lose its charge when exposed to atmospheric air. However, it was not until 1899 that Elster and Geitel and, almost simultaneously and independently, C.T.R. Wilson demonstrated the existence of mobile charge carriers in air and rightfully ascribed it as the result of radioactive decay of mostly airborne nuclides such as radon and its short-lived daughters.
両プロセスが大気中で起きることの共通する副産物である大気イオンが認識されるようになったのは、X線と放射能の発見以後だったことも興味深い。現象が発見される前に原因が知られていたということはありうるが、この場合はそうではなかった。対気温の存在は一世紀前に予測可能だった。1796年にクーロンは既に、大気中に置かれた帯電した物体が、次第に電荷を失うことを既に観測していた。しかし、1899年にエルスターとガイテル、そしてほぼ同時に独立にCTR Wilsonが大気中の移動電荷担体の存在を示し、ラドンや短寿命の娘核種のような大気中の核種の放射性崩壊によって生成されると正しく記述するまで、誰も大気イオンの存在を予測しなかった。
The nature of air ions has been discussed at length several times in this magazine, so let it suffice to state a few simple facts.1, 2, 3 Air ions are not charged molecules or atoms. They are clusters of mostly water molecules (say 12?14) around an oxygen or nitrogen molecule that has lost an electron (i.e., a positive ion), or 8?10 water molecules around an oxygen molecule that has gained an extra electron (i.e., a negative ion).
All air ions are created equal. There is no difference between the ions produced by radioactive decay of airborne materials or by cosmic rays, and the ions produced in a technical ionization system by accelerating incidental electrons to sufficiently high energies. This technical method of ionization is again, in principle, identical to what happens when the field from a thundercloud induces corona discharges from the tips of leaves or from lightning rods.
It should be stressed that ions are always created in pairs?a positive and a negative ion. In unipolar field ionizers, one polarity is automatically held back, so it appears as if only positive or negative ions are produced, but that is not so.
Ions do not live forever. They recombine with oppositely charged ions, they combine with aerosol particles, and they plate out on surfaces. Therefore, the reason for a more or less constant ion concentration of some hundred ions of each polarity per cubic centimeter (at sea level) is the constant production of maybe 5?10 ion pairs per cubic centimeter per second caused by natural radiation. So to keep a high ion concentration in a given volume, ions have to be constantly produced.
Air ions have a very important role to play in industry, namely that of neutralizing charges on insulators. In fact, the use of a bipolar mix of air ions is the only way by which the field from a charged insulator can be neutralized. The charge can never be removed, but the field from the charge can be neutralized, and that is just as good. As that problem has already been treated in detail, this article concentrates on the claims of direct or indirect effects of air ions on human beings.
Almost from the very first detection of air ions, there has been speculation about possible hygienic, physiological, or other types of effects. The first paper may have appeared as early as 1923. Very few, if any, of these first papers deserve the designation of scientific papers, which should only deal with properly described and properly conducted investigations. Almost all reported investigations were purely anecdotal. In my opinion, one of the reasons for this was that usually the investigations were carried out by physicians and other laypeople without the guidance of physicists with a proper knowledge of atmospheric electricity.
For example, in the 1930s, it was rather common in Germany to treat a variety of ailments, such as asthma, bronchitis, and other airways-related problems, by letting the patients (apparently) inhale negative ions. Some of the administrants of these treatments, usually medical practitioners, reported rather astonishing results. At a certain point in these experiments, somebody had the good sense to ask a real expert to examine the ionizers to find out what they were actually doing. The all-time-ever expert on atmospheric electricity, Hans Israel, agreed to do this.4 Years later, I heard Hans Israel summarize his investigation. It appeared that the ionizers used by some of the doctors with the most beneficial results did not even contain a high-voltage supply; that is, they did not produce ions at all.
1. Niels Jonassen, "Ions" in Mr. Static, Compliance Engineering 16, no. 3 (1999): 24?28.
2. Niels Jonassen, "Neutralization of Static Charges by Air Ions: Part I, Theory" in Mr. Static, Compliance Engineering 19, no. 2 (2002): 28?31.
3. Niels Jonassen, "Neutralization of Static Charges by Air Ions: Part II, Experimental Results" in Mr. Static, Compliance Engineering 19, no. 4 (2002): 22?27.
4. H Israel, Atmospharische Elektrizitat (Leipzig, Germany: Springer Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1957).