昨日に引き続き、大気電気系の専門家であるNiels Jonassenによる概論の3回目:
The Ion-Balance Myth
The ion-balance myth is a special version of the negative-ion myth. The concept of ion balance is not really defined in atmospheric electricity, but it is probably supposed to mean the ratio between the concentrations of negative and positive ions. In a closed room, it is obviously possible to control this ratio by producing an excess of ions of one polarity. However, this is not what is normally meant when references are made to changes in ion balance. It is often claimed that certain procedures or even just certain materials will selectively remove one polarity of ions. Over the years, it has been claimed time and time again that if the ions removed were the negative ions, the result would be a bad ion balance.
イオンバランス神話はNegative Ion神話の特殊バージョンである。イオンバランスのコンセプトは大気電気的には定義されておらず、おそらくはNegative IonとPositive Ionの濃度比率を意味しているようである。密閉された部屋では、どちらかの極性のイオンを過剰に発生させれば、濃度比率をコントロールできるのは明らかだ。しかし、「イオンバランスを変える」と言われるとき、そのようなことを意味していない。ある特定の手順や、さらには特定の物質が選択的に一方の極性のイオンを除去するのだ主張されることが多い。長年にわたり、陰イオンが除去されると、結果として悪いイオンバランスになると繰り返し主張されてきた。
In this context, we are talking about naturally occurring ions, that is, ions produced primarily by the decay of airborne radioactive materials. As already mentioned, ions are always produced in pairs; therefore, the production rates for positive and negative atmospheric ions are identical. In the free lower atmosphere, a state of equilibrium will be reached at which the constant production of ions is balanced by positive and negative ions recombining with each other, combining with aerosol particles, or diffusing to ground. The result will be a state with a positive-ion concentration maybe 20-25% higher than the negative one. The difference is caused by the positive ions having a somewhat lower mobility than do negative ions (1.4x10-4 m2V-1s-1 and 1.8x10-4m2V-1s-1, respectively). Positive ions therefore also have a lower diffusivity, and this is balanced by a higher concentration of positive ions so that the actual removal rate by diffusion is the same for both positive and negative ions.
このコンテキストでは、我々は自然に発生するイオンについて話している。すなわち、大気中の放射性物質の崩壊による主として生成されるイオンについである。既に述べたように、イオンはペアで生成されるので、陽イオンと陰イオンの生成率は同一である。大気圏下層では、恒常的なイオンの生成は、陽イオンと陰イオンの再結合や、エアロゾル粒子との結合や地上への拡散とバランスする形で、平衡状態が実現する。その結果、陰イオンよりも陽イオンが20〜25%多く存在する状態となる。この濃度差は、陽イオンの移動度((1.4x10-4 m2V-1s-1)が陰イオンの移動度(1.8x10-4m2V-1s-1)より少し小さいことによる。したがって、陽イオンの拡散率は低く、これは陽イオン濃度の高さによってバランスする。それにより、拡散による除去率は陽イオンと陰イオンで等しくなる。
The actual values of the ion concentrations depend strongly on the concentration of aerosols or pollutants. In relatively clean air, the concentrations of the ions may be in the hundreds (per cubic centimeter), in highly polluted air, they may be 10 times as low. But the important fact is that the ratio, the ion balance, is almost the same, about 1.2-1.3.
A high level of pollution will turn most of the ions into charged particles, or heavy ions, but with no preference for either polarity. Since the 1930s, it has been known that the attachment coefficients for negative and positive ions attaching with aerosol particles are almost the same, resulting in a population of aerosol particles divided more or less equally between negative, positive, and neutral particles. This is true with moderate pollution levels. With very high aerosol concentrations, there are not enough ions to charge the aerosol particles, and the neutral particles will dominate.
Evil Winds Are Rich in Positive Ions. (悪い風には陽イオンが多い)
It seems reasonably well documented that the hot winds like the Fohn, the Santa Ana, the sirocco, and so forth have a detrimental influence on people's well-being. To explain the special properties of these phenomena, it has often been postulated that the winds, maybe especially the Fohn Alp wind, are rich in positive ions and therefore, according to the negative-ion myth, will feel stuffy and unpleasant. I have never been able to find any hint of a trustworthy theory explaining how a unipolar ionization of the air mass could take place, let alone explain how the charge could be carried hundreds of miles over the mountains without dissipating. I have also not seen any proper scientific papers demonstrating the excess of positive ions in these winds.
フェーンやSanta Ana Wind[カリフォルニア州南部のフェーン]やsirocco[地中海北岸に吹く暖かい南風]のような熱風が人々の健康に有害な影響を及ぼすことは十分に裏付けられているとみてよい。これらの現象の特別な性質を説明するために、特にアルプスのフェーンの風に陽イオンが多く、したがって陰イオン神話によれば、息が詰まって不快に感じられるだろうと仮定された。どうやって荷電粒子が消滅することなく山の上を数百マイルも運ばれるかを説明することはもとより、単極イオン化がどうやって起こりえるのかを説明する信頼できる理論の糸口すらみつけたことはない。これらの風の中で陽イオンが過剰に存在していることを示す適切な学術論文を見たことがない。
Building Materials May Ruin the Ion Balance. (建設資材がイオンバランスを崩す)
Around 1960, a peculiar campaign started in several European countries. The campaign was based on the negative-ion myth. It was claimed that floor coverings of vinyl tiles would ruin the ion balance, meaning that they would create an excess of positive ions, whereas linoleum floors would allegedly leave the ion ratio untouched. No scientific proof for the claim and certainly no measurements were offered, but not a week went by without statements from newspapers, magazines, radio, or television about the harmful effects of vinyl tiles.
A major Danish company that was economically hurt by the campaign asked if the problem could be investigated. I conducted a series of ion-concentration measurements in rooms that were as identical as possible, except that half of the rooms tested had linoleum floors and the other half had vinyl tiles. No significant difference between the two types of rooms could be detected with respect to either the absolute values of the ion concentrations or the ion ratio.
Sick Building Syndrome and the Ion Balance. (シックハウス症候群とイオンバランス)
Over the past 40 years, the interest in the indoor climate has been steadily growing, and in the 1970s, the concept of sick buildings emerged. It appeared that many people felt uncomfortable and maybe even sick when working in certain buildings, especially modern buildings. The symptoms were usually vague, such as headaches, eczema, dry skin, problems with breathing, and so forth.
Many suggestions for the causes were proposed, including mold fungi and dust mites, but both of these causes are connected with inefficient ventilation. It was also suggested that the cause could be a bad ion balance. Many well-controlled experiments were performed in many different types of buildings. None of the experiments showed any significant deviations from the normal ion-concentration values. Note that there probably is such a thing as a sick building, but it apparently has nothing to do with atmospheric ions.
Positive Ions and Pollution. (陽イオンと汚染)
A peculiar variation of the ion-balance myth has emerged over the past decade. It states that positive ions and air pollution are intimately related; that is, positive ions will preferentially attach to airborne particulates. First of all, this is not true. As already mentioned, the attachment coefficients are very similar for both positive and negative ions. Second, this myth is taken as another proof that positive ions are harmful because they attach themselves to pollutants. If this really were the case, it would mean that polluted air would have an excess of negative ions, as the pollutants would swallow positive ions. However, as already stated, this is not so. Polluted air may have low concentrations of both positive and negative ions.
The examples treated above illustrate rather well a statement made as early as 1985 by Reinhold Reiter, a recognized expert on atmospheric electricity: "Nearly all relevant assertations about harmful or beneficial effects of small ions fail to realize the fundamental elements of atmospheric electricity."8
ここで取り上げた例は、大気電気の著名な研究者Reinhold Reiterの早くとも1985年の声明の例となっている。「イオンの有害あるいは有益な効果についての主張のほぼすべては、大気電気の基本をわかっていない」
8. RJ Reiter, Journal of Geophysical Research 90 (1985): 5936-5944.