When the Kentucky legislature adjourned sine die on April 15, 2010, House Bill 397, the Kentucky Science Education and Intellectual Freedom Act, died in committee. Modeled on the Louisiana Science Education Act (Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:285.1), HB 397 would, if enacted, have allowed teachers to "use, as permitted by the local school board, other instructional materials to help students understand, analyze, critique, and review scientific theories in an objective manner, including but not limited to the study of evolution, the origins of life, global warming, and human cloning." A minor novelty in the bill was the phrase "advantages and disadvantages of scientific theories," a variation on the familiar "strengths and weaknesses" and "evidence for and evidence against" rhetoric. Kentucky is apparently unique in having a statute (PDF; Kentucky Revised Statutes 158.177) on the books that authorizes teachers to teach "the theory of creation as presented in the Bible" and to "read such passages in the Bible as are deemed necessary for instruction on the theory of creation."
[Antievolution bill in Kentucky dies (2010/04/16) on NCSE]
- ルイジアナ州の反進化論州法SB733/Act473成立 (2008/06/28) [Act473]
- アラバマ州の反進化論ステッカー
==>Information about the Alabama "Evolution Warning Label" on Alabama Citizens for Science Education
- ミズーリ州下院に反進化論州法案登場 (2010/01/18) [HB1651]
- ミシシッピ州下院に反進化論州法案登場 (2010/01/16) [House Bill 586]
- サウスカロライナ州上院に反進化論州法案登場 (2009/05/28) [SB873]
- ケンタッキー州下院に反進化論州法案登場&廃案(2010/04/18) [HB 397]
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- アラバマ州下院の反進化論州法案HB300が廃案 (2009/05/16) [HB300]
- フロリダ州上院の反進化論州法案SB2396が廃案 (2009/05/03) [SB2396]
- ニューメキシコ州上院の反進化論州法案SB433が廃案 (2009/03/023)[SB433]
- アイオワ州下院の反進化論州法案HF183が廃案 (2009/03/14) [HF183]
- オクラホマ州上院の反進化論州法案SB320が廃案 (2009/02/18) [SB320]
- ミシシッピ州下院の反進化論州法案HB25が廃案 (2009/02/08) [HB25]