

"Cdesign proponentsist"の発見で知られるProf. Barbr Forrestのメールをフォワードしたことで、テキサス州教育庁の理科教育の責任者Christina Comerが辞任させられた件のつづき...

==>"テキサス州教育庁の創造論に対する中立方針"が連邦法廷に訴えられた (2008/07/09)
[Ex-science director sues Texas agency in creationism tiff (2008/07/03) by Associated Press on UsaToday]

A former science curriculum director for the Texas Education Agency has filed a federal lawsuit alleging she was illegally fired for forwarding an e-mail about a speaker who was critical of teaching a controversial alternative to evolution.

[Terrence Stutz: "Suit dismissed in firing over creationism e-mail" (2009/04/01) on The Dallas Morning News ]

AUSTIN – A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit Tuesday by a former state science curriculum director who alleged that she was illegally fired for sending out an e-mail on a lecture that was critical of those wanting to teach creationism in science classes.


==>裁判資料集: Comer v. Scott and Texas Education Agency (NCSE)

このあと2009年4月30日に、Christina Comerが控訴した。それから1年が経過して...
[Appeals court hears Texas creationism case (2010/04/26) by The Associated Press on Houston Chronicle]

NEW ORLEANS ― The former director of the science program for Texas public schools asks a federal appeals court to revive a lawsuit claiming she was fired after a dispute over creationism.

A three-judge panel from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans heard arguments Monday in Christina Castillo Comer's lawsuit against the head of the Texas Education Agency. A lower court dismissed her claims last year.

Comer says she was disciplined in 2007 after forwarding an e-mail about a presentation by a philosophy professor regarded as an opponent of teaching creationism in schools.

The agency says Comer violated her employer's "neutrality" policy by airing her personal opposition to creationism. Comer claims the agency has an unwritten, unconstitutional policy of treating creationism as science.

テキサス州の公立学校の理科教育プログラムの前責任者が、創造論批判後に化にんされたと主張する裁判を、連邦控訴裁判所に求めた。New Orleansの第5連邦巡回構想法廷の3人の裁判官は月曜日に、テキサス州教育長に対するChristina Castillo Comerの訴えについての論を聞いた。下級裁判所は彼女の訴えを昨年棄却している。


posted by Kumicit at 2010/04/27 08:06 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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