As we saw in the previous piece, it’s true that Thomas considers creation ex nihilo to be the pre-eminent meaning of the word "create." And it distinguishes God’s creative power from the kind of "creation" of which human beings are capable. As he puts it: "To create [in the unique sense attributable to God] is, properly speaking, to cause or produce the being of things." (ST I:45:6). In other words, God doesn’t just take a pre-existing substratum and fashion it, as does the Demiurge in Plato’s Timaeus. God calls the universe into existence without using pre-existing space, matter, time, or anything else. So when he creates the universe from nothing, God’s creative act does not involve changing one thing into another,3 as Tkacz notes.インテリジェントデザイン"理論"の主たる主張が、「神の介入はあった」であることを強く主張しているJay Richardsの記述である。神学の主張としては別に間違ってもいないし、このような主張することも別になんら問題ではない。
But as we’ve already seen, for Thomas (and Christianity for that matter), this isn’t the only thing God does. It’s not God’s only mode of action. As part of his initial creative activity, in particular, God also "fashions" the things he has created (though God doesn’t need hands and fingers to do this of course). Or, to put it differently, he uses his transcendent power to change natural entities, even to change them into something else entirely.
The real question, in any case, is not whether God has to "fix up" or "adjust" natural things (as Tkacz says). Nor is it whether God "intervenes," ... The real question is whether, according to Thomas and the Catholic tradition, God acts only in the way Tkacz dictates. As we’ve seen, the answer to that question is a resounding no. God creates the world from nothing and continually upholds it, to be sure, but he also acts directly within it for his purposes. To affirm the latter is not to deny the forme
我々が以前に見た引用部分のように、Saint Thomas Aquinasが「創造」という単語の意味として、「無からの創造」を考えたことは正しい。そして、それこそが神の創造の力と、人間が持っている創造の能力と分かつものだと考えていたことも。Thomasは「神独自の属性として創造することとは、適切にいえば、物を存在せしめることである」と書いている。言いかえれば、プラトンのティマイオスにおけるデミウルゴスのように既存のもの何かを作るようなことを神はしない。神は既存の時間と空間と物質を使わずに、宇宙を存在せしめた。したがって、Tkaczは指摘するように、神が宇宙を無から創造したとき、神の創造の力は、あるものを別のものに転換することを含まない。
[Response to Michael Tkacz's Critique of ID (2010/04/26)]