- 1993年のSun International PicturesとCBSのノアの箱舟 (2006/03/08)
特にこの1993年の件で、思い切り騙されてしまった"若い地球の創造論"ミニストリInstitute for Creation Research所長Dr. John D Morrisは、FoxNewsの報道によれば、今回の中国人たちによる箱舟の発見を、手の込んだペテンだと斬り捨てている:
Dr. John Morris, lead archeologist at the Institute for Creation Research, says "I'm leaning towards that the Chinese people have been deceived."これまでも、ノアの箱舟を見つけたという主張に批判的だった"若い地球の創造論"ミニストリAnswers in Genesis
Morris has led 13 expeditions to Mount Ararat looking for the ark. He knows the area well and says of the recent find, "At best, it is an elaborate deception."
Institute for Creation Researchの指導的考古学者Dr. John Morrish「私は中国人たちが騙されたという考えに傾いている。」と述べた。
[Lauren Green: "Noah's Ark Hoax Claim Doesn't Deter Believers" (2010/04/30) on FoxNews]
- 擬似考古学者Wyattを斬る"若い地球の創造論"サイトAiG (2006/02/26)
- 創造論者が使ってはいけないRon Wyattのノアの箱舟 by AIG (2006/02/28)
- Ron Wyattと同類だと思われたくない創造論者たち
Every few years we hear of claims that Noah’s Ark (or what may remain of it) has been found on the mountains of Ararat in Turkey. Over the weekend, a press conference was held in Hong Kong where it was announced that explorers were almost certain they had found the remains of the Ark. Answers in Genesis has seen many photos that were released, but without corroboration by the leading creationist organizations and not knowing all the research methods that were employed, we will withhold judgment until further study. Over the decades, we have learned to be cautious about such Ark claims.
数年ごとに、トルコのアララト山でノアの箱舟あるいは何らかの残骸が発見されたという主張がなされる。先週末にホンコンで記者会見が開けれ、探検者たちは箱舟の残骸の発見に確信を持っていると発表した。Answers in Genesisは公表された多くの写真を見たが、この探検は主要な創造論団体によって実証されておらず、探検者たちが使った調査方法も知らされていないので、我々はさらなる研究がおこなわれるまで判断を留保する。過去数十年にわたり、我々は、このような箱舟発見の主張に対して、慎重あるべきことを学んできた。
What also makes AiG so cautious about the latest report is that we have heard such claims several times before, even as they were made by people who described themselves as Bible-believing Christians. Some “discoveries” were eventually dismissed as structures of geologic origin and were not of wood. The “crying wolf” syndrome has already kicked in this week, as non-believers are dismissing this Ark claim as yet another bogus one. The creationist movement in general will have its credibility undermined further if this Ark-remnant is shown to be a fraud, and thus the testimony we seek to have in the world will be hindered.
Adding to our skepticism about the find is (as we have stated before) that the volcanic activity on the mountains of Ararat as well as several earthquakes make it doubtful that even parts of a wooden structure could have survived for over 4,300 years. Furthermore, much of the wood would have most likely been scavenged right after the Flood to erect forms of shelter and to build fires, etc. Also, as we look at the photos of this latest proposed Ark, we do not see evidence of the wood being coated with pitch (as Genesis 6:14 indicates). Other items seen in the photos are suspicious-looking as well; we will have more to say about our doubts on Saturday’s posting.
また、進化論は科学的には正しいと言う創造論者Todd Woodは、Answers in Genesisと同様の疑問点を挙げて、今回の発見物は確実にノアの箱舟ではないと述べている。
The modern "Mt. Ararat" (Agri Dagh) is a post-Flood volcano. The Ark could not have landed on Agri Dagh because it did not exist at the end of the Flood, and even if it did land on modern Agri Dagh, it would have been destroyed by the many, many eruptions of Ararat since the Flood.すぐにばれるネタに便乗しても信用を失うだけなので、創造論者たちは、今回のネタも斬り捨ている。
現代のアララト山(Agri Dagh)は洪水後の火山である。箱舟は当時存在していないAgri Daghには漂着できない。たとえ現代のAgri Daghに漂着できても、洪水後に起きたアララト山の多くの噴火により箱舟は破壊されている。
Given that the Flood survivors left the Ark to find a devastated world, the Ark would have been the best source of timber for the first decade or so. I think it highly likely that the Ark was dismantled to supply the growing population with building material for shelter.
[Not Noah's Ark (2010/04/27) on Todd'Blog]