[Chana Tigay: "Scholarly Squad Debunks Biblical 'Discoveries'" (2010/05/02) on AOLnews]このビジネスモデルは、今は亡き擬似考古学者にして、ノアの箱舟とソドムとゴモラの灰と契約の櫃とイエスの血液と紅海に沈んだファラオの軍の装備などを発見したRon Wyattが行っていたものでもある。
Scholars acknowledge that amateurs can make important discoveries: a Bedouin goat-herd found the original Dead Sea Scrolls cache while searching a cave for a missing member of his flock. The problem, they say, arises when these amateurs try to interpret what they find instead of passing it along to scholars for investigation and publication in scholarly journals.
When they "publish by press conference," Cargill says, the ark hunters betray their real motive: cash. "Noah's Ark quests are always about the money -- always," he argues. "This group was put together to do one thing and one thing only: make money and spread ideology by pimping both archaeology and religion."
He points out that one member of the recent expedition, Yeung Wing-Cheung, has directed a documentary about the hunt for the ark and is selling the DVD online. The Media Evangelism Ltd., meanwhile, operates a Noah's Ark theme park that needs to sell tickets.
Cargillは、最新の探検のメンバーの一人であるYeung Wing-Cheungが箱舟探しのドキュメンタリーを監督し、DVDをネットで販売していることを指摘する。"The Media Evangelism Ltd"はノアの箱舟のテーマパークを運営していて、チケットを売る必要がある。
そして、もし本当に、ノアの洪水が起きたとしても、箱舟は見つからないだろうと、Robert Cargill非常勤助教授は言う:
In any event, Cargill says, if Noah's Ark existed, it would have been taken apart years ago for its wood -- which long since would have decomposed. "It's just one big scam. The ancients were great recyclers," he says.この見解は、Answers in GenesisやInstitute for Creation Researchなどの主要な創造論者たちも一致するものである。
"In my opinion, there is no Noah's Ark. And if there is, it's not there anymore."
==>創造論者たちは、中国人たちによるノアの箱舟発見に懐疑的 (2010/05/01)
Robert Cargillとともに、フェイクなノアの箱舟をターゲットとする委員会を立ち上げたGeorge Washington Universityの考古学者Eric Clineは、このようなフェイクの持つ別な問題を指摘する。
All this, Cline says, makes the lives of real scholars more challenging. "The gullible believers and evangelicals, along with other faiths, throw money at these expeditions not knowing whether they're going to produce anything," he says. "Every year we have to scrounge for money to run a real excavation that may shed some real light."
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