このTrue Republican PACによる批判に対して、Byrn陣営は、創造論教育を支持したと反撃した:
On the school board, Byrne supported teaching evolution said "evolution ... best explains the origin of life"
[via Right Now - Washington Post and Panda's Thumb]
I believe the Bible is the Word of God and that every single word of it is true. From the earliest parts of this campaign, a paraphrased and incomplete parsing of my words have been knowingly used to insinuate that I believe something different than that. My faith is at the center of my life and my belief in Jesus Christ as my personal savior and Lord guides my every action.でもって、Montgomery Advertiserによれば、このByrne候補を批判するTrue Republican PACの背後にアラバマ州の教職員組合がいる:
As a Christian and as a public servant, I have never wavered in my belief that this world and everything in it is a masterpiece created by the hands of God. As a member of the Alabama Board of Education, the record clearly shows that I fought to ensure the teaching of creationism in our school textbooks. Those who attack me have distorted, twisted and misrepresented my comments and are spewing utter lies to the people of this state.
[Byrne says untrue attack about his faith is “an affront to all believers” (2010/05/04) on Republican Byrne Governor 2010 via Right Now - Washington Post and Loom]
The state's powerful teachers union has given $500,000 to political action committees that contributed to an effort to attack Republican gubernatorial candidate Bradley Byrne.アラバマ州は米国の州で唯一、教科書に反進化論ステッカーを貼らないといけない州である。
The ads refer to Byrne as a liberal trial lawyer and are paid for by True Republican PAC of Linden.
True Republican PAC, according to a review of campaign finance documents filed with the Alabama secretary of state's office, has received most of its funding from PACs heavily funded by the Alabama Education Association.
アラバマ州の強力な教職員組合が50万ドルを、共和党知事候補Bradley Byrneを批判する政治団体に寄付していた。この広告はByrneをリベラル弁護士だと言っていて、LindenのTrue Republican PACのお金で作られている。True Repubican PACは、アラバマ州務長官に提出された選挙運動資金報告のレビューによれば、Alabama Education Associationから大きな資金を得ているPACsから大半の資金を得ている。
[SEBASTIAN KITCHEN: AEA may be helping PAC fund ads attacking Byrne (2010/04/20) on Montgomery Advertiser via FoxNews via Loom]
==>Information about the Alabama "Evolution Warning Label" on Alabama Citizens for Science Education
==>アラバマ州下院に反進化論州法案HB300が登場 (2009/02/09)
ルイジアナ州と並んで、保守的な世界だが、Alabama Education Associationも創造論支持だというのは、かなりアフォな州である。