

The Guardianの2010年5月26日付の報道によれば、北アイルランド教育文化大臣が、Ulster Muesumに対して反ダーウィニズムの見方を反映した展示をするように求める書簡を出した。
Northern Ireland's born-again Christian culture minister has called on the Ulster Museum to put on exhibits reflecting the view that the world was made by God only several thousand years ago.

Nelson McCausland, who believes that Ulster Protestants are one of the lost tribes of Israel, has written to the museum's board of trustees urging them to reflect creationist and intelligent design theories of the universe's origins.

The Democratic Unionist minister said the inclusion of anti-Darwinian theories in the museum was "a human rights issue".

"Born Again"キリスト教徒である北アイルランド教育文化大臣がUlster Mueusmに、神が数千年前に世界を創造したという見方を反映した展示をすることを求めた。

Ulster Protestantこそがイスラエルの失われた部族だと考えているNelson McCausland大臣は博物館の信託委員会に対して、宇宙の起源についての創造論およびインテリジェントデザイン理論を反映することを求める書簡を出した。


McCausland defended a letter he wrote to the trustees calling for anti-evolution exhibitions at the museum. He claimed that around one third of Northern Ireland's population believed either in intelligent design or the creationist view that the universe was created about 6,000 years ago.

"I have had more letters from the public on this issue than any other issue," he said.

The minister said he wrote a "very balanced letter" to the museum because he wanted to "reflect the views of all the people in Northern Ireland in all its richness and diversity".

Earlier in his letter to the museum's trustees McCausland said he had "a common desire to ensure that museums are reflective of the views, beliefs and cultural traditions that make up society in Northern Ireland".



で、もちろん、これに対して、Richard Dawkinsは反撃をしている。
His call was condemned by the evolutionary biologist Professor Richard Dawkins, who said: "If the museum was to go down that road then perhaps they should bring in the stork theory of where babies come from. Or perhaps the museum should introduce the flat earth theory."

Dawkins said it was irrelevant if a large number of people in Northern Ireland refused to believe in evolution. "Scientific evidence can't be democratically decided," Dawkins said.

McCausland大臣の要請を、進化生物学教授Richard Dawkinsは問題にしている。「博物館がその道を歩むのなら、赤ちゃんのコウノトリ理論を持ち込むべきだろう。あるいは博物館は地球平板説も提示すべきだろう。たとえ北アイルランドの多くの人々が進化論を信じることを拒否したとしても、それは関係ない。科学的証拠は民主的には決定されない」

北アイルランド議会教育委員長Mervyn Storey民主統一党議員である。
McCausland's party colleague and North Antrim assembly member Mervyn Storey has been at the forefront of a campaign to force museums in Northern Ireland to promote anti-Darwinian theories.

Storey, who has chaired the Northern Ireland assembly's education committee, has denied that man descended from apes. He believes in the theory that the world was created several thousand years ago, even though the most famous tourist attraction in his own constituency – the Giant's Causeway on the North Antrim coast – is according to all the geological evidence millions of years old.

McCauslandと同じく民主統一党員で、北アイルランド議会議員であるMervyn Storeyは、北アイルランドで博物館に反ダーウィニズム理論を推進することを求める最前線に立っている。北アイルランド議会教育委員長であるStorey議員は人間が類人猿の子孫であることを否定している。自分の選挙区で最も有名なツアーアトラクションである"Giant(s Causeway on the Norh Antrim caost"が数百万歳な地質学的証拠に基づいているにもかかわらず、彼は世界は数千年前に創造されたと信じている。

Last year Storey raised objections to notices at the Giant's Causeway informing the public that the unique rock formation was about 550m years old. Storey believes in the literal truth of the Bible and that the earth was created only several thousand years before Christ's birth.

昨年、Storey議員は、5億5000万年前にユニークな岩石が形成されたと人々に知らせるGiant's Causewayの注意書きに異議を唱えた。Storeyはキリスト生誕の数千年前に地球が塑像されたという聖書の字義通りの真理を信じている。

[Henry McDonald: "Northern Ireland minister calls on Ulster Museum to promote creationism -- Nelson McCausland defends letter to trustees urging anti-evolution exhibits" (2010/05/26) on The Guardian]

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