
Common Descentな創造科学とインテリジェントデザイン

進化の研究が進んで、創造科学とインテリジェントデザインがCommon Descentであることがわかってきた。


まずは、英国のBlack Shadow Group FURLによる"創造論"進化経路[Black Shadow Group FURL]

還元不可能な複雑さ 反進化論 聖書創造論 デザイン論 人間原理 デザイン推論
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     |     |若い地球の創造論     |   |    |
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     |     |創造科学               |  |
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    |       インテリジェントデザイン            |
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        |異論も教えろ|    |インテリジェントデザイン理論|
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インテリジェントデザイン教科書"Of Pandas and People"の中間形態の化石の発見[ Nick Matzke 2005]

Creation Biology (1983), p. 3-34:
Evolutionists think the former is correct; creationists because of all the evidence discussed in this book, conclude the latter is correct.”

Biology and Creation (1986), p. 3-33:
“Evolutionists think the former is correct, creationists accept the latter view.”

Biology and Origins (1987), p. 3-38:
“Evolutionists think the former is correct, creationists accept the latter view.”

Of Pandas and People (1987, creationist version), p. 3-40:
“Evolutionists think the former is correct, creationists accept the latter view.”

Of Pandas and People (1987, “intelligent design” version), p. 3-41:
“Evolutionists think the former is correct, cdesign proponentsists accept the latter view.”

創造科学とインテリジェントデザインがCommon Descentである証拠

Michael Beheの還元不可能な複雑さ(初出: Darwin's Black Box, 1996)の説明がHenry MorrisのScientific Creationism(1974,1985)に載っている[Jason Rosenhouse]
The problem is simply whether a complex system, in which many components function unitedly together, and in which each component is uniquely necessary to the efficient functioning of the whole, could ever arise by random processes. The question is especially incisive when we deal with living system. Although inorganic relationships are often quite complex, living organisms are immensely more so. The evolution model nevertherless assumes all of these have arisen by chance and naturalism. [Scientific Creationism, 2nd edition, 1985 page 59]


バクテリアの鞭毛は創造科学の持ちネタだったという証言[Henry Morris 2005]

These well-meaning folks did not really invent the idea of intelligent design, of course. Dembski often refers, for example, to the bacterial flagellum as a strong evidence for design (and indeed it is); but one of our ICR scientists (the late Dr. Dick Bliss) was using this example in his talks on creation a generation ago. And what about our monographs on the monarch butterfly, the bombardier beetle, and many other testimonies to divine design?

もちろん、これらの善意の人々は、インテリジェントデザインについての考えを本当に発明しなかった。Dembskiはデザイン(本当にそうだが)の強い証拠としてバクテリアの鞭毛を挙げる。しかし、Institute for Creation Scienceの科学者たち(Dr. Dick Bliss)は一世代前の創造論の講演でこの例を使っている。我々のオオカバマダラやホソクビゴミムシやその他の多くの例についての研究論文もある。

さらにHenry Morrisが、Dembskiの"Specified Complexity"もHenry Morrisの"organized complexity"のパクリだと証言:
Dembski uses the term "specified complexity" as the main criterion for recognizing design. This has essentially the same meaning as "organized complexity," which is more meaningful and which I have often used myself. He refers to the Borel number (1 in 10^50) as what he calls a "universal probability bound," below which chance is precluded. He himself calculates the total conceivable number of specified events throughout cosmic history to be 10^150 with one chance out of that number as being the limit of chance. In a book written a quarter of a century ago, I had estimated this number to be 10^110, and had also referred to the Borel number for comparison. His treatment did add the term "universal probability bound" to the rhetoric.

Dembskiはデザインを認識する主な基準として「指定された複雑さ」という用語を使う。これは基本的には組織化された複雑性」と同じ意味であり、より意味があり、かつ私が良く使ったものだ。彼はボレル数(1/10^50)を"宇宙的確率"と呼び、これ以下なら偶然を排除できると言った。彼自身は、偶然の限界値を、宇宙の歴史を通じてのイベント数10^150に対して1回とした。四半世紀前に書いた本(Henry M. Morris, King of Creation(San Diego, CA: CLP Publishers, 1980), pp. 130-131; out of print. See The Modern Creation Trilogy (vol. 2 Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 1996), pp. 168-175. )で、私はこの数字を10^110と見積もり、ボレル数を比較対象として言及した。彼は"宇宙的確率限界"というレトリックを加えただけだ。

インテリジェントデザインのStephen Meyerが使っているカンブリア爆発は30年前にInstitute for Creation Researchが使っていたネタ[Lenny Flank 2005]
Comment #50411
Posted by 'Rev Dr' Lenny Flank on September 30, 2005 09:18 PM (e)
If you mean “Meyer’s Hopeless Monster,” Meyer may personally “conclude” design, but his paper supports neither design nor an alternative to evolution.

It should also be pointed out that Meyer’s BS about the Cambrian Explosion was cirbbed, almost word for word, from standard ICR boilerplate from thirty years ago.

Meyerのカンブリア爆発についての卒論は、30年前からある標準的なInstitute for Creation Researchのテンプレの、ほぼ一字一句パクリだ。

Remember that, the next time some IDer yammers to you that “ID isn’t creationism”. ID has not presented a single argument — not a one — that wasn’t being made by YECs decades ago.



進化論サイドと、創造科学の父Dr. Henry Morrisは一致して、インテリジェントデザインは何も新しいことを言っていないと言う。

Dr. William A. DembskiとDr. Michael BeheとDr. Stephen Meyerは何をしていたのだろうか。ただのコピペか、創造科学の再発見か。

posted by Kumicit at 2006/03/23 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | ID: General | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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