
ホメオパス Francine Scrayen


死亡したPenelope Dingleの友人の証言では、ホメオパスFrancine ScrayenがPenelope Dingleの心を掴んでいたという。

Penelope Dingleの友人Gayle Chappellは、2003年10月の緊急手術について、法廷で次のように証言した:
"I was completely under the impression she was recovering," Ms Chappell said. "As soon as I saw her, I burst into tears. I've never seen someone so thin."

In the week that she stayed with the couple in Fremantle, Mrs Dingle screamed in pain every night but she never took painkillers.

Ms Chappell said Mrs Dingle called homeopath Francine Scrayen "at least a dozen times a day" and would only consume homeopathic medicines prescribed by Ms Scrayen.

Ms Chappell questioned Ms Scrayen in a telephone conversation but her concerns were dismissed, with the homeopath saying Mrs Dingle's pain "was in her head" and she merely had constipation. She said Ms Scrayen would not allow Mrs Dingle to take other medicine.

"I don't think Pen wanted to know these things because I think it would challenge the bubble she had put herself in," Ms Chappell told the court.

"They (Mr and Mrs Dingle) were enthralled and entrapped in this creation. I don't know how to describe it.

"Pen had so much faith in Francine. She was totally in her control."

Ms Chappell said that at one stage, when Mrs Dingle had not opened her bowels for 12 days, she was told by visiting nurse Bernie Pilgrim that she would die if she was not hospitalised.

On the night of October 11, 2003, Ms Pilgrim rated the pain Mrs Dingle was in as a nine out of 10 but she still refused to take painkillers.

By the morning of October 12, Mrs Dingle was in such pain that she agreed to a morphine injection and was taken to hospital for emergency surgery. Ms Chappell said when she visited her friend in the hospital a few days later, Mrs Dingle asked her: "Do you think I've killed myself?"



「彼女はホメオパスであるFrancine Scrayenに日に十数回は電話をし、Sscrayenが調剤したホメオパシーレメディーだけを服用していました。





「彼女は腸閉塞が12日間続いたとき、訪問看護師Bernie Pilgrimから入院しないと死ぬかもしれないと言われました。

「2003年10月11日の夜に、訪問看護師Pilgrimは痛みのレベルを9/10と診断しましたが、彼女(Penelope Dingle)は痛み止めの使用を拒みました。


[GIORDANO STOLLEY: "Couple 'in homeopath's control '" (2010/06/11) on The West Australian]
かなり凄惨な状態に至るまで、Penelope Dingle本人が鎮痛剤も拒んでいたという。

夫Peter Dingleは自らも代替医療業を営んでおり、妻の件で本を執筆することになっていた。そして、ホメオパスFrancine Scrayenは危機的状態になっても、通常医療を拒否させた。

posted by Kumicit at 2010/06/11 08:13 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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