

"若い地球の創造論"のAnswers in Genesisが、地下洞の闇の中で眼を魚が失う過程を進化の証拠ではないと言う。しかし、その説明は、何故か、バークレーの進化論教育用のページ「進化論についての誤解」と同じようなものになっている。

進化はない by AiG

以下に示すのは、Ken Hamが主宰する"若い地球の創造論"の最もアクティブなサイトAnswers in Genesisの「New eyes for blind cave fish?」という記事からの引用である。この記事はAiGが、「洞窟の眼のない魚は、眼を失っても同じ種にとどまっており、しかも眼を作る遺伝情報が失われたのではなく、その眼を作るスイッチが壊れただけなので、進化の証拠ではない」と主張しているもの。引用部分は魚が眼を失う過程の説明:
Imagine a situation in which a group of such ‘normal’ fish swim into a stream which enters an underground cave, and become trapped in this pitch-dark environment. Their eyes are completely useless here.


But eyes do not ‘disappear’ just because they are no longer needed. The fish’s DNA would have programmed into it the instructions on constructing eyes, and the code on the DNA does not ‘know’ that the eye is no longer needed, so it will keep on manufacturing eyes, generation after generation.


However, due to the effects of the Curse on all creation (Genesis 3:19, Romans 8:20–22), genetic copying errors (mutations) arise in all living things. In fact, in a moderate-sized population, many of these errors occur in each generation. It is not hard to see how one of these could result in a gene that usually ‘switches on’ eye development being corrupted, or somehow ‘switched off’, via mutation.


In a normal above-ground situation, such eyeless fish would probably never survive much past early infancy, because they would be so handicapped both in locating food and escaping predators. So for all practical purposes, we never see eyeless fish in the wild where there is sunlight.


However, in the cave, it is a different matter. The eyeless type no longer suffers this disadvantage compared to its compatriots. Not only that, the eyeless ones even have an advantage over the others. This is because, as fish bumped into rocks and cave walls in the darkness, the eyed ones would be likely to injure their eyes. The delicate tissue of eyes is prone to injury, which would allow harmful bacteria to enter, leading to infection and often death.


The eyed fish would thus have a lesser chance of surviving to produce offspring. Those fish carrying the ‘eyeless’ genetic defect would have a greater chance of passing it on to the next generation, so it would not take many generations under such circumstances for all the fish to be of the ‘eyeless’ type.


しかし、アイロニーという他ないのだが、洞窟の闇の中で魚が眼を失う過程が、インテリジェントデザイン理論家たちが言う「Unguided, purposeless process」[Dembski 2004, Harris and Calvert, 他多数]として説明されている。


進化論の説明 by バークレー

そして以下に示すバークレーの「進化論についての誤解(Misconception of Evolution)」というページ群の記事と同じことを言ってしまっている。

Misconception: “Natural selection involves organisms ‘trying’ to adapt.”

Response: Natural selection leads to adaptation, but the process doesn’t involve “trying.” Natural selection involves genetic variation and selection among variants present in a population. Either an individual has genes that are good enough to survive and reproduce, or it does not---;but it can’t get the right genes by “trying.”


Misconception: “Natural selection gives organisms what they ‘need.’ ”

Response: Natural selection has no intentions or senses; it cannot sense what a species “needs.” If a population happens to have the genetic variation that allows some individuals to survive a particular challenge better than others, then those individuals will have more offspring in the next generation, and the population will evolve. If that genetic variation is not in the population, the population may still survive (but not evolve much) or it may die out. But it will not be granted what it “needs” by natural selection.




posted by Kumicit at 2006/03/27 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Creationism | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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