A report by a group of MPs said homeopathic medicine should no longer be funded on the NHS and called for a ban on the medicines carrying medical claims on their labels.これに対して、英国保健省は2010年7月26日に、事実上、下院の報告書を無視する回答を出した。
The Commons Science and Technology Committee said there is no evidence the drugs are any more effective than a placebo - the same as taking a sugar or dummy pill and believing it works.
Last month, doctors attending the British Medical Association (BMA) annual conference backed this view, saying homeopathic remedies should be banned on the NHS and taken off pharmacy shelves where they are sold as medicines.
The treatment was described as "nonsense on stilts" and that patients would be better off buying bottled water.
Ms Milton said the Government welcomed the MPs' report but "remain of the view that the local National Health Service and clinicians are best placed to make decisions on what treatment is appropriate for their patients".Telegraphの記事は短くてよくわらない。
These decisions should take account of safety, and clinical and cost effectiveness, she said, adding that the Government remained committed to providing good-quality information on the treatments.
[Richard Alleyne: "Homeopathy will not be banned by NHS despite critical report (2010/07/26) on Telegraph
MPs had called not only for doctors to be barred from referring patients to homeopathic hospitals or homeopaths, but for the MHRA to intervene and to apply the same standards of regulation as for medicines, which they said would remove any medical claim supporters of homeopathy had.
But in its response today the DH said: ‘It is not appropriate for the Department of Health to remove the right of PCTs to make these decisions on a case-by-case basis.'
The committee had also called for an investigation into the cost of homeopathy to the NHS and for new research into the evidence-base for homeopathy, but this too was rejected.効かない証拠が既に存在する。誰もホメオパシーが効くという証拠が出せないことは明らか。であるが故に、調査拒否していると思われる。
MPs had wanted regulators to ‘remove any medical claim and any implied endorsement of efficacy by the MHRA’ by ensuring the same evidence of efficacy used to assess conventional medicines was used, but the Government said this would potentially deal a fatal blow to the homeopathy market and limit consumer choice.通常医療と同じ規制のもとにホメオパシーを置くと、ホメオパシーは医療として存続しえないという点は保健省も認めている。ただし、通常医療と同じ規制にして医療からホメオパシーを消すと、ホメオパシーが地下にもぐってしまって、誰も安全性を保証できなくなるので、表に置いておくためにダブスタを続けるという。
‘Homeopathy has a long tradition in Europe and is a recognised and widely used system of medicine across the EU,’ it said.
‘The Government takes the view that consumers who choose to use homeopathic medicines should be fully informed about their purpose and assured that standards of quality and safety are maintained. If homeopathic medicines were not subject to any kind of regulatory control consumers would not have access to such information or assurances.'
'Conversely, if regulation was applied to homeopathic medicines as understood in the context of conventional pharmaceutical medicines, these products would have to be withdrawn from the market as medicines. This would constrain consumer choice and, more importantly, risk the introduction of unregulated, poor quality and potentially unsafe products on the market to satisfy consumer demand.’
[Ian Quinn: "Government defends right to homeopathy on the NHS" (2010/07/26) on PULSE]
「Government Response to the Science and Technology Committee report 'Evidence Check 2: Homeopathy’」
『In recent years the MHRA has removed from the market homeopathic products being promoted for the prevention of malaria and the treatment of cancer.』