1200名の信者のいる信仰療法宗教"Followers of Christ"の信者であるTimothy J. Wyland (44歳)とRebecca J. Wyland (23歳)が、医療ネグレクトで子供を重体にしたため、裁判で親権を停止された。
==>メモ: オレゴン州信仰療法医療ネグレクト事件(1) 2010年7月2日のOregonLiveの報道
[Steve Mayes: "Judge won't return baby to Followers of Christ parents for now" (2010/07/15) on OregonLive]この聴聞の過程で、Wyland夫妻の子供Alayna(生後7か月)の病状が明らかにされた。
A judge Wednesday refused to return a 7-month-old girl to her parents, members of an Oregon City church that embraces faith healing, after hearing testimony that the child could lose vision in one eye because she didn't get medical care.
Details of the child's condition emerged during a four-hour Clackamas County Circuit Court hearing.
The parents, Timothy and Rebecca Wyland, asked Judge Douglas V. Van Dyk to return the child, now in foster care, and promised that they would provide whatever treatment was required by the court or the state Department of Human Services.
But Van Dyk denied the request, noting that doctors are still assessing the child's condition and devising a treatment plan. "The risks are great for this child," he said.
子供の両親であるTimothy & Rebecca Wyland夫妻は、法廷あるいは州福祉事業局が求める治療は何であれ受けさせると約束して、現在は養護施設に預けられている子供を返すようにDouglas V. Van Dyk裁判官に求めた。
しかし、医師たちが現在も子供の症状を診断注であり、治療計画を作成中であることから、Van Dyk裁判官はその要求を却下した。「この子供に対するリスクは大きすぎる」とVan Dyk裁判官は述べた。
The Wylands' daughter, Alayna, had a small discoloration over her left eye when she was born.
The area started swelling and the fast-growing mass of blood vessels, known as a hemangioma, eventually caused her eye to shut, pushed the eyeball down and outward, and affected the eye socket, said Dr. Thomas Valvano, a pediatrician at Doernbecher Children's Hospital at Oregon Health & Science University.
"This was medical neglect," said Valvano, who testified at the hearing. Alayna could lose vision in her left eye and probably will need surgery, he said.
「その変色した面積は多きなり始め、血管腫として知られる血管の腫れが急速に大きくなった。そして遂に、左眼が開かなくなり、眼球は下方外側へ押され、眼孔に影響を及ぼし始めた。これは医療ネグレクトだ。Alynaは左眼が失明する危険性があり、おそらく手術の必要がある」と、Oregon Health and Science UniversityのDoernbecher Children's HospitalのDr. Thomas Valvanoは述べた。
The Wylands said they never considered getting medical attention for the growth and would not have if DHS had not intervened.その後、2010年7月22日の報道によれば、Wyland夫妻の刑事訴追に直面している
Attorneys for the Wylands said the couple weren't given a chance to obtain medical care after DHS got involved in the case late last month and have been largely excluded from medical appointments.
Gilmartin asked Rebecca Wyland why she didn't take Alayna to a doctor.
"Because I believe in God and put my faith in him," she replied.
"If DHS never came into your lives ... at what point would you have accessed medical care," Gilmartin asked Timothy Wyland.
He did not answer the question directly and said he puts his faith in God. If his daughter did not improve, "that's his will," he said.
郡副検事Colleen GilmartinはRebecca WylandにAlanyaを医者に診せなかった理由を質問した。
Gilmartin検事はTimothy Wylandに「福祉事業局が介入しなかったら、どの時点で医療の診断を受けさせたか?」と質問した。
[Steve Mayes: "Oregon faith-healing parents fight to get baby back, face criminal charge" (2010/07/22) on OregonLive]なお、その報道で、Alaynaの写真が公開された:
A Beavercreek couple who left their infant daughter's fate to God rather than seek medical treatment for a mass that grew over her left eye will face charges of first-degree criminal mistreatment.
The Clackamas County Sheriff's Office obtained photographs of 7-month-old Alayna May Wyland that show the fast-growing mass of blood vessels that may cause blindness in her left eye. Her parents, Timothy and Rebecca Wyland (holding Alayna) were ordered to hand Alayna over to state officials, and could also face criminal charges.
Clackamas郡保安官事務所は、血管の腫れが急成長して、左眼を失明させるかもしれない状態になっている、生後7歳のAlayna May Wylandの写真を入手した。彼女の両親Timothy WylandとRebecca Wyland(写真でAlaynaを抱いている女性)は、Alaynaを州政府当局にゆだねるよう命じられ、さらに刑事訴追に直面している。