

ホメオパシーレメディは米国では効能を証明された薬品として扱われているわけではないが、食品としては管理されている。たとえば、Washington Homeopathic Products社は、FDAから警告を受けている。
CGMP Deviations [§ 501(a)(2)(B)]

1) Your firm has not thoroughly investigated the failure of a batch or any of its components to meet specifications. Your firm did not extended the investigation of a failure of a batch or any of its components to other drug products that may have been associated with the specific failure or discrepancy [21 CFR § 211.192].


2) Your firm has not tested non-penicillin drug product for the presence of penicillin, when a reasonable possibility existed that a non-penicillin drug product has been exposed to a cross contamination with penicillin. The operations relating to the processing of penicillin are not performed in facilities separate from those used for other drug products [21 CFR §§ 211.176 and 211.42(e)].


3) Your firm did not reject any lot of components that did not meet the appropriate written specifications for identity, strength, quality and purity [21 CFR § 211.84(e)].


4) Your firm did not withhold from use each lot of components until the lot has been sampled, tested, examined, and released by Quality Control [21 CFR § 211.84(a)].


5) Your firm has not established written procedures for production and process control designed to assure that drug products have the identity, strength, quality and purity that they are represented to possess [21 CFR § 211.100(a)].


6) Your firm has not established written procedures for cleaning and maintenance of equipment [21 CFR § 211.67(b)]


7) Failure of your firm to have a written assessment of stability of homeopathic drug products based at least on testing or examination of the drug product for compatibility of the ingredients and marketing experience with the drug product to indicate that there is no degradation of the product for the normal or expected period of use [21 CFR § 211.166 (c)(1)].


8) Your firm's written production and process control procedures were not followed in the execution of the various production and process control functions and were not documented at the time of performance [21 CFR § 211.100(b)].


[Washington Homeopathic Products, Inc. 8/25/09]
a. Virex (Lot (b)(4)) was manufactured on July 23, 2008. A sample was collected and failed microbiological testing on July 30, 2008. A second sample was collected and failed microbiological testing on August 1, 2008. Then, a third sample was collected and it also failed microbiological testing on August 5, 2008. A fourth sample was collected and tested at your firm's 33 Fairfax Street laboratory on August 8, 2008. This fourth sample passed on August 10, 2008. Bulk Virex (Lot (b)(4)) was subsequently released and shipped on August 12, 2008. (FS)

Virex (Lot (b)(4)は2008年7月23日に製造された。2008年7月30日にサンプルが取られて、微生物検査に不合格だった。2008年8月1日に2個目のサンプルが取られて、微生物検査に不合格だった。そして、2008年8月5日に3個目のサンプルが取られて、やはり微生物検査に不合格だった。そして、2008年8月8日に、4個目のサンプルが、貴社の33 Fairfax Street laboratoryで検査された。これは2008年8月10日に合格した。Virex (Lot (b)(4))の大半が2008年8月12日にリリースされ出荷された。

b. Broken glass was identified in filled 15 cc glass bottles of T-Gone Remedies Type 4 (lot (b)(4)) on January 20, 2009, during product filling operations. This lot was rejected and destroyed on January 29, 2009. "Deviation Report," dated January 22, 2009, stated: "Broken glass was in the prepackaged and sealed bottles from the distributor. No risks were involved. Product was pulled and destroyed on January 29,2009. The broken glass inside the bottles accrued at the distributor's operation. The drug product with the broken glass was destroyed and all other products that were used with that component was rechecked and all were all were clear." The investigation failed to identify other related products and lots manufactured with the implicated glass vials to assure no additional broken glass was present. Finally, the specific lot number of the problematic glass bottles (components) used to fill T-Gone Remedies Type 4 (lot (b)(4)) on January 20, 2009 was not documented in the investigation. (HW)

2009年1月20日に、製品充填作業中に、T-Gone Remedies Type 4 (lot (b)(4))の15ccガラスのボトルからガラスの破片が見つかった。このロットは2009年1月29日に破棄された。2009年1月22日の不適合報告書には「販売業者からのパッケージされ密封されたボトルにガラスの破片があった。ボトル内のガラスの破片は、販売業者の操作によって生じたものである。ガラスの破片のあった製品は破棄され、この部材を使った製品は全品検査され、問題がなかった」と記載されていた。その他の関連する製品や、ガラスのボトルを使った製品ロットを検査して、さらにガラスの破片が存在しないか確認していない。さらに、T-Gone Remedies Type 4 (lot (b)(4))を2009年1月20日に充填するのに使った、問題のあったガラスのボトルのロット番号について調査報告に記載がない。
Washington Homeopathic Productsは製品管理が杜撰であり、このFDA警告によれば、ほぼ同じ内容の警告が2007年にも出されている。


posted by Kumicit at 2010/08/10 22:52 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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