[BMJ 2003;326:164 ( 18 January ) Letters -- Society of Homeopaths does not advise against vaccination]また、王立ロンドンホメオパシー病院長のPeter Fisherも、マラリアの予防や治療にホメオパシーは役に立たないと述べている。
EDITOR -- Schmidt and Ernst concluded that some homoeopaths and chiropractors advise against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination. Their survey seems to have used dubious and possibly unethical methods to extract potentially sensational information.1 Public confidence in our profession may have been dealt a blow by this piece of reporting.
Schmid and Ernst[1]は、一部のホメオパスおよびカイロプラクターが麻疹・おたふく風邪・風疹(MMR)予防接種を受けないように助言していると結論した。彼らの調査は、疑わしく、おそらく非倫理的な方法を使って、センセーショナルになりうる情報を引き出しているようだ。これらの報告によって、我々の専門性に対する国民の信頼に打撃を与えている。
The Society of Homeopaths does not encourage its members to advise patients against vaccination. The society acknowledges that there is much anecdotal and scientific evidence to support the arguments presented both for and against vaccination. It believes that parents should be supported in making rational informed decisions about the short and long term implications of vaccination for their children.
Homoeopaths on the society's register have been trained to a very high standard and undergone a rigorous registration process. This registration process uses as one of its main reference points the national occupational standards for homoeopathy published in 2000.2 The Society of Homeopaths, the Faculty of Homeopathy, and other homoeopathic organisations all contributed to the development of these standards. Our members are fully insured, abide by a strict code of ethics and practice, and are expected to participate in regular activities for continuing professional development.
Susan C Crump, chair.
Melanie Oxley, vice chair.
Society of Homeopaths, Northampton NN1 4HU s.crump@homeopathy-soh.org
1. Schmidt K, Ernst E. Aspects of MMR. BMJ 2002; 325: 597[Free Full Text]. (14 September.)
2. Healthwork UK. National occupational standards for homeopathy. Bristol: Healthwork UK, 2000.
3. House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology. 6th report: complementary and alternative medicine. London: Stationery Office, 2000.
The Royal London Homeopathic Hospital is run by doctors who are also homeopaths and who treat conditions such as hay fever and rheumatism. They are also furious that some homeopaths are making these false claims about malaria.しかし、現場は商売優先であり、そんなことは言っていられない。
The hospital's Director Peter Fisher told Newsnight "I'm very angry about it because people are going to get malaria - there is absolutely no reason to think that homeopathy works to prevent malaria and you won't find that in any textbook or journal of homeopathy so people will get malaria, people may even die of malaria if they follow this advice."
王立ロンドンホメオパシー病院長であるPeter FisherはNewsnightに対して「人々がマラリアに罹りに行くことになるので、本件には大いに怒っている。ホメオパシーがマラリアの予防および治療に役に立ちという理由はまったくない。いかなるホメオパシーの教科書にも雑誌にもそのような記載は見当たらない。なので、そのような助言にしたがえば、マラリアに感染、悪くすればマラリアで死亡するかもしれない。」と語った。
[Meirion Jones: "Malaria advice 'risks lives'" (2006/07/13) on BBC]
The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine was so concerned that it got together with the scientific pressure group Sense about Science to organise a survey of 10 homeopathic practices.当然のごとく、マラリアの予防・治療にホメオパシーレメディを推奨するホメオパシーショップ(NelsonsやHelios)たち。
They sent an undercover researcher in to say she was about to go in to a malaria infested country. They all recommended doses of homeopathic remedies - 99.99% water with an almost undetectable trace of effective remedies such as quinine. None of them directed the researcher to a GP or Travel Clinic.
Newsnight followed up their research with a hidden camera. A researcher went to Nelsons Pharmacy off Oxford Street in London, which claims to be Britain's biggest manufacturer of homeopathic remedies - and that was all they recommended for malaria.
"London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine"はこの問題が重大であると懸念しており、科学圧力団体"Sense about Science"とともに、ホメオパシー事業者10を対象とした調査を企画した。
BBC Newsnightは隠しカメラで、この調査をフォローアップした。英国最大のホメオパシーレメディ製造業者を自認する、ロンドンOxford StreetのNelsons Pharmacyに出かけた調査員は、マラリアに対してホメオパシーレメディを推奨された。
High risk area
Even when the researcher said she planned to go to Malawi - a high risk area - Nelsons only suggested the addition of garlic, oil of citronella and vitamins rather than a trip to the doctors.
The Nelsons adviser told the researcher that the homeopathic compounds would protect her. "They make it so your energy doesn't have a malaria-shaped hole in it so the malarial mosquitos won't come along and fill that in."
Nelsons subsequently said that this was against their policy which is to tell patients about the advice "to take prophylactic drugs, as well as providing information about the homeopathic remedies that are available" and they have reiterated that advice to their homeopaths.
Helios in Covent Garden, London told Newsnight's researcher she only needed their homeopathic compounds to protect her, saying "Yes you don't need to take anything else."
Helios told us they still defend their advice. "Many people have researched anti-malarial drugs," they said, "and are concerned about the side effects. We give advice on traditional homeopathic remedies."
調査員がマラリアのハイリスク地域であるマラィに旅行する計画だと告げても、Nelsons Pharmacyは一般医のところへ行くことを奨めず、ガーリックとシトロネラオイルとビタミンを追加を提案しただけだった。
Nelsons Pharmacyのアドバイザーは調査員に、ホメオパシー製品が予防してくれると告げた。「これらが、あなたのエネルギーがマラリア形状の穴を作らないようにしてくれるので、物質である蚊は、その穴に入れない」と。
Nelsons Pharmacyのアドバイザーはさらに「患者に予防薬の服用や有効なホメオパシーレメディについて情報を供与することはポリシーに反している」と言った。そして、ホメオパスへの助言を繰り返した。
ロンドンのCovent GardenにあるHeliosは、Newsnightの調査員に対して、あなたを守るホメオパシー製品のみが必要であり、それ以外に何も必要ではないと告げた。