
Samuel Hahnemannは病原体としての細菌を知らない時代の人

Edward Jennerが種痘を考案したのが1796年。そのインパクトは巨大なものがあり、同時代のHahnemannも強い印象を受けていたようであり、彼の著書"Organon"にも種痘への言及が多くある。
[Samuel Hahnemann: "Organon" § 46]

The inoculated cow-pox, whose lymph, besides the protective matter, contains the contagion of a general cutaneous eruption of another nature, consisting of usually small, dry (rarely large, pustular) pimples, resting on a small red areola, frequently conjoined with round red cutaneous spots and often accompanied by the most violent itching, which rash appears in not a few children several days before, more frequently, however, after the red areola of the cow-pock, and goes off in a few days, leaving behind small, red, hard spots on the skin; – the inoculated cow-pox, I say, after it has taken, cures perfectly and permanently, in a homoeopathic manner, by the similarity of this accessory miasm, analogous cutaneous eruptions of children, often of very long standing and of a very troublesome character, as a number of observers assert.[10]

The cow-pox, a peculiar symptom of which is to cause tumefaction of the arm[11], cured, after it broke out, a swollen half-paralyzed arm.[12]

The fever accompanying cow-pox, which occurs at the time of the production of the red areola, cured homoeopathically intermittent fever in two individuals, as the younger Hardege[13] reports, confirming what J. Hunter[14] had already observed, that two fevers (similar diseases) cannot co-exist in the same body.




10 Especially Clavier, Hurel and Desmormeaux, in the Bulletin des sciencs medicales, publie par les membres de l’ Eure, 1808, also in the Journal de medicine continue, vol. xv, p.206.
11 Balhorn, in Hufeland’s Journal, 10, ii.
12 Stevenson, in Duncan’s Annals of Medicine, lustr. 2, vol. I, pt. 2, No. 9.
13 In Hufeland’s Journal, xxiii.
14 On the Veneral Disease, p.4.
Samuel Hahnemannは、当時の代表的な医療である種痘に対して、いかなる懐疑・疑義・否定的感情も持っていない。そして、その働きを「ホメオパシー」なものと考えていたことを示している。

そして、牛痘と天然痘が違う病気であることから、「like cure like」(そのものではなく似たものでOK)の信念を強めて行く:
[Samuel Hahnemann: "Organon" § 56 Sixth Edition]

To attempt to cure by means of the very same morbific potency (per Idem) contradicts all normal human understanding and hence all experience. Those who first brought Isopathy to notice, probably thought of the benefit which mankind received from cowpox vaccination by which the vaccinated individual is protected against future cowpox infection and as it were cured in advance. But both, cowpox and smallpox are only similar, in no way the same disease. In many respects they differ, namely in the more rapid course and mildness of cowpox and especially in this, that is never contagious to man by more nearness. Universal vaccination put an end to all epidemics of that deadly fearful smallpox to such an extent that the present generation does no longer possess a clear conception of the former frightful smallpox plague.

Antonie van Leeuwenhoekが1674年に微生物を発見していたが、それが感染症の原因であることをが明かになるのは、Robert Kochが炭疽菌に純粋培養の成功によって炭疽の病原体であることを証明した1876年のことである。

マラリアに対するキニーネの効果(病原体であるマラリア原虫に特異的に働いて死滅させる)と、天然痘に対する種痘の効果(天然痘よりも人間へのダメージがはるかに小さいが、それへの抗体が天然痘に対しても機能する)は、まったく別な理由で治癒・予防効果を持っている。それらを、Samuel Hahnemannの時代には区別できるだけの知識はなかった。そして、Hahnemannはこれらを混ぜ混ぜして、ホメオパシーに辿りついてしまう。


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