[Lawrence M. Krauss: "A Year of Living Dangerously: Reflections on Hot-Button Science --Writing about science and society invites reactions, good and bad, from the middle to the fringe (2010/08/30) on Scientific American]最初に登場するDeepak Chopraはインド出身の代替医療系著作家であり、Richard Dawkinsに対して、量子力学はメタファーとして使っていて、実際の量子力学と彼の主張は何の関係もないことを認めている。
No area of physics stimulates more nonsense in the public arena than quantum mechanics -- and with good reason. No one intuitively understands quantum mechanics because all of our experience involves a world of classical phenomena where, for example, a baseball thrown from pitcher to catcher seems to take just one path, the one described by Newton’s laws of motion. Yet at a microscopic level, the universe behaves quite differently. Electrons traveling from one place to another do not take any single path but instead, as Feynman first demonstrated, take every possible path at the same time.
Moreover, although the underlying laws of quantum mechanics are completely deterministic -- I need to repeat this, they are completely deterministic -- the results of measurements can only be described probabilistically. This inherent uncertainty, enshrined most in the famous Heisenberg uncertainty principle, implies that various combinations of physical quantities can never be measured with absolute accuracy at the same time. Associated with that fact, but in no way equivalent to it, is the dilemma that when we measure a quantum system, we often change it in the process, so that the observer may not always be separated from that which is observed.
When science becomes this strange, it inevitably generates possibilities for confusion, and with confusion comes the opportunity for profit. I hereby wish to bestow my Worst Abusers of Quantum Mechanics for Fun and Profit (but Mostly Profit) award on the following:
Deepak Chopra: I have read numerous pieces by him on why quantum mechanics provides rationales for everything from the existence of God to the possibility of changing the past. Nothing I have ever read, however, suggests he has enough understanding of quantum mechanics to pass an undergraduate course I might teach on the subject.
Deepak Chopra: 神の存在から過去を変えることまで、量子力学があらゆることの理論的根拠になる理由についての彼の著作を多く読んだ。しかし、私が学部課程の量子力学を担当するなら、彼がその量子力学の単位を取得できるだけの理解をしていることを示すものを、私は見たことがない。
The Secret: This best-selling book, which spawned a self-help industry, seems to be built in part on the claim that quantum physics implies a “law of attraction” that suggests good thoughts will make good things happen. It doesn’t.
"The Secret": セルフヘルプ産業を生み出した、このベストセラーは「量子力学は『よい思考は良いことを起こす』という『アトラクションの法則』を意味する」という主張をひとつの根拠として構築されている。しかし、量子力学はそんなことは意味しない。
Transcendental meditation: TMers argue that they can fly by achieving a “lower quantum-mechanical ground state” and that the more people who practice TM, the less violent the world will become. This last idea at least is in accord with quantum mechanics, to the extent that if everyone on the planet did nothing but meditate there wouldn’t be time for violence (or acts of kindness, either).
超越瞑想: 超越瞑想者たちは「『低い量子力学基底状態』を実現することによって飛ぶことができて、人々が超越瞑想を行うことによって、世界は暴力的でなくなる」と論じる。この最後の部分は「人々が瞑想することで、暴力をふるう時間(あるいは親切なことをする時間)がなくなる」という意味では、少なくとも、量子力学とは矛盾しないだろう。
For the record: Quantum mechanics does not deny the existence of objective reality. Nor does it imply that mere thoughts can change external events. Effects still require causes, so if you want to change the universe, you need to act on it.
"For the record": 量子力学は客観的現実を否定しない。また、量子力学は思考によって外界を改変できることを意味しない。効果には原因が必要であり、宇宙を変えたいなら、何かをする必要がある。
Feynman once said, “Science is imagination in a strait jacket.” It is ironic that in the case of quantum mechanics, the people without the straitjackets are generally the nuts.
==>Deepak Chopra Interview with Richard Dawkins (on Youtube)